Global Trends in Smart Transportation & Mobility
時間 |
講題內容 |
講師 |
13:00-13:30 |
報到與接待 |
13:30-13:50 |
貴賓致詞 Welcome & Introductions |
ITS Taiwan 王國材 理事長 Kent K. T. Wang, President, ITS Taiwan
經濟部 沈榮津 常務次長 Jong-Chin Shen,Vice Minister of the MoEA
財團法人資訊工業策進會 吳瑞北 執行長 Ruey-Beei Wu, President of III
歐洲商會-LCI 尹容 總監 Giuseppe Izzo, Director, ECCT-LCI |
主持人:浩通國際 濮大威 董事長 Session I: Moderator: David Poo, Chairman, Mega Trans Int’l Corp. |
13:50-14:10 |
智慧交通基礎設施的永續發展 Sustainable Development of Smart Transport Infrastructure |
梁月林 西門子德國首席交通顧問 交通諮詢部大中華區總經理 Mr. Yuelin Liang Principal Transport Consultant, Siemens AG and Head of Transport Consulting, Siemens Ltd China |
14:10-14:30 |
Introduction of ITS Business and Smart Community System - Demonstration Project of EV |
Takashi Saito Manager, MHI |
14:30-14:50 |
智慧交通安全嗎? |
趙斌 德國萊因工業服務部大中華區總經理 Bin Zhao General Manager, Industrial Services Greater China, TÜV Rheinland |
14:50-15:10 |
Automation, Apps and fast charging batteries to revolutionize mobility |
Adriano Alessandrini Associate Professor, University of Florence |
15:10-15:30 |
Panel Discussion 主持人:浩通國際 濮大威 董事長 與談人:交通部運輸研究所 周家慶 博士 Moderator: David Poo, Chairman, Mega Trans Int’l Corp. Panelist: Ja-Ching Chou, Institute of Transportation, MoTC |
15:30-15:45 |
休息Tea Break |
主持人:ITS Taiwan海外委員會 張永昌 主任委員 Session II: Moderator: Y. C. Chang, Chairperson, Overseas Affairs Committee of ITS Taiwan |
15:45-16:05 |
Connecting Cars for Smarter City |
Takayuki Odawara Vice President and General Manager Asia-Pacific, INRIX |
16:05-16:20 |
智慧移動解決方案與顧客體驗 Smart Mobility and Customer Experiences |
福特六和汽車副總經理 Vice President, Ford Lio Ho Motor |
16:20-16:40 |
Innovation in ITS from Ericsson |
Colin Toh Ericsson中國區IOT業務副總 Colin Toh Head of ICT Infrastructure for Transportation, Ericsson |
16:40-16:55 |
邁向車聯網時代 城市交通更智慧 New era of connected car leads to a smarter way of transportation in cities |
李浩正 遠傳企業暨國際事業群執行副總經理 Mike Lee Executive Vice President, Enterprise & Carrier Business Unit, FET |
16:55-17:10 |
Robbert Lohmann CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER, 2getthere B.V |
17:10-17:30 |
Panel Discussion 主持人:ITS Taiwan海外委員會 張永昌 主任委員 與談人:臺北市政府交通局 鍾慧諭 局長 GOGORO 雷憶瑜 營運長 Moderator: Y. C. Chang, Chairperson, Overseas Affairs Committee of ITS Taiwan Panelist: Anne Hui-yu CHUNG, Commissioner, DoT of Taipei City Government Grace Lei, Chief Operating Officer, GOGORO |