





日期、時間與地點:3/27(二)13:00~17:00 南港展覽館5樓504會議室
         3/28(三)09:30~12:00 南港展覽館4樓402會議室

主辦單位:臺北市政府 、台北市電腦商業同業公會
Smart City Mayor’s Summit I
2018年3月27日 (星期二)
Time Agenda Venue
13:30-13:31 Opening司儀開場 南港展覽館
Room 504, Nangang Exhibition Center
13:32-14:15 Industrial Perspective
中華電信 鄭優董事長
宏碁 施振榮董事長
和碩聯合 童子賢董事長
研華 何春盛執行董事
華碩 曾鏘聲副董事長兼總裁
遠傳電信 徐旭東董事長
14:15-14:20 Group Photo貴賓介紹與合影
14:20-14:30 休息時間
14:30-15:20 Discussion 1: Power Up for Cities: Sustainable Cities that Connects with Industries創造城市活力:鏈結產業力量發展永續城市
Moderator主持人: Deputy Mayor of Taipei, Charles Lin 臺北市政府 林欽榮副市長
  1. 鏈結產業力量發展智慧城市的成功關鍵要素?
    The key components to connect industries in developing smart cities.
  2. 以發展智慧城市來翻轉舊城市及以產業參與創造城市新活力的良好經驗?
    The successful experiences in renovating old cities into smart cities, and the industry participation in creating new city vitality

  1. 法國格勒諾布爾都會區主席Christophe FERRARI, President of Grenoble-Alpes Metropole, France
  2. 美國商務部副助理部長Ian Steff, Deputy assistant Secretary, Manufacturing, U.S. Department of Commerce 
  3. 紐西蘭奧克蘭市議會主席Chris Darby, Chairman of Auckland City Council, New Zealand
  4. 英國米爾頓凱恩斯市議長Peter Marland, Leader of Council, Milton Keynes, the UK
  5. 捷克維索基納州首席副省長Vladimír Novotný, Vice President of Vysocina Region, Czech Republic
  6. 法國土魯斯都會區副主席Bertrand SERP, Vice-President of Toulouse Metropole, France
  7. 英國彼得伯勒市副議長 Wayne Fitzgerald, Deputy Leader of Council, Peterborough, the UK
  8. 尼泊爾博克拉市長Man Bahadur Gc, Mayor of Pokhara, Nepal
  9. 台灣桃園王明德副市長 Deputy Mayor of Taoyuan City, Taiwan
15:20-15:30 Q&A/ discussion
15:30-15:45 Taipei City PMO Case Studies by Commissioner of Department of IT, Taipei City Government臺北市PMO城市案例分享
Wei-Bin Lee, Commissioner of Taipei City Government Department of. Information Technology, Taipei City台北市政府資訊局長李維斌
15:45-16:45 Discussion 2: City as a Living Lab: The Mechanism & City Economy
Moderator主持人: Deputy Mayor of Taipei, Charles Lin臺北市政府 林欽榮副市長
  1. 城市實驗平台的目的及有效的運作機制?
    The purposes and effective mechanism of City as a Living Lab.
  2. 城市實驗平台可帶動創新創業風潮、促進城市經濟的發展?
    How the City Living Lab accelerates the innovative entrepreneurship and the development of city economy?

  1. 波蘭弗羅茲瓦夫市副市長 Maciej Bluj, Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw, Poland
  2. 斯洛伐克布拉提斯拉瓦省長Juraj Droba, Chairman of Bratislava Region, Slovakia
  3. 希臘特里卡拉市長Dimitris Papastergiou, Mayor of Trikala, Greece
  4. 英國布里斯托市國際大使Hibaq Jama, International Ambassador of Council, Bristol, the UK
  5. 捷克布拉格副市長Mirovský Ondřej, Deputy Mayor of Prague, Czech Republic
  6. 美國伊頓維爾市長Edward Eddie Cole, Mayor of Town of Eatonville, the US
16:45-17:00 Q&A/ discussion  
Smart City Mayor’s Summit II
2018年3月28日 (星期三)
Time Agenda Venue
09:00-09:30 Registration報到 南港展覽館
Room 402, Nangang Exhibition Center
09:30-09:33 Opening Remarks by Deputy Mayor of Taipei City 台北市政府 林欽榮副市長開場致詞
09:35-10:20 Discussion 3: Smart City & Innovative Entrepreneurship智慧城市暨創新創業
Moderator主持人: Deputy Mayor of Taipei, Charles Lin 臺北市政府 林欽榮副市長
  1. 城市如何吸引、留住創意人士,透過他們的創新、創業來主導城市的再造與經濟的成長?
    How cities attract and keep the innovative talents to lead the reform of city and economic development with innovation & entrepreneurship
  2. 政府要有企業家精神,敢於創新,如何通過政策改革扶持新創事業的發展?
    Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Governments: How to support innovative enterprises through policy reforms?

  1. 匈牙利賽格德市長Sándor Nagy, Mayor of Szeged, Hungary
  2. 紐西蘭旺加努伊市市長 Hamish McDouall, Mayor of Whanganui, New Zealand
  3. 英國數位格林威治處長Trevor Dorling, Director of Digital Greenwich, the UK
  4. 澳洲伊普斯威奇市長Andrew Antoniolli, Mayor of Ipswich, Australia
  5. 美國維京群島參議主席Myron D. Jackson , Senate President of Virgin Islands, the United States
  6. 俄羅斯韃靼共和國經濟特區投資人關係發展局局長Denis Ismagilov, Director of Innopolis, Russia
  7. 波蘭格丁尼亞副市長Bartosz Bartoszewicz, Deputy Mayor of Gdynia, Poland
  8. 法國格勒諾布爾都會區主席Christophe FERRARI, President of Grenoble-Alpes Metropole, France
10:20-10:45 Q&A/ discussion
10:45-11:00 Break休息
The Pre-Launching Ceremony for Global Organization of Smart City
GO SMART智慧城市聯盟宣示成立大會
2017年3月28日 (星期三)
Time Agenda Venue
  • Outlines 大綱:
1. Declaration and Pre-Launch of GO SMART 「GO SMART」智慧城市聯盟宣言暨宣誓成立大會
Conference room 402, 4F, Nangang Exhibition Hal