Global Organization of Smart Cities
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公司簡介 全球智慧城市聯盟 (Global Organization of Smart Cities,GO SMART)的使命是打造一個國際資源分享的平台,集結各界力量相互交流,促使會員找到合適的合作夥伴,加速智慧城市發展進程。於2019年3月成立至今已2年,旨在促成政府、產業與學研法人單位合作跨城市概念性驗證Inter-City PoC (Proof of Concept)計畫,透過國際與跨城市鏈結合作,並運用公私協力的力量,以人為本打造永續的生態系,為智慧城市計畫開發「解鎖」,找到合適的夥伴。聯盟共有207個來自22個國家的會員加入GO SMART,一同為突破城市藩籬、推動智慧城市發展而努力。
GO SMART, an international network of Smart Cities. Connecting and facilitating communication between government and industry. Promoting collaboration between Smart Cities through Inter-City PoCs (Proof-of-Concept).
Many cities around the world are currently facing the challenges caused by the ongoing urbanization process happening worldwide. In their quest to more sustainability and livability, these cities and their academic and industry partners have developed their Smart City strategy. GO SMART will accelerate Smart City developments by providing the platform for Smart Cities and their stakeholders to exchange knowledge and by facilitating collaborations.
Any organization working on urban innovation aimed at developing sustainable and livable cities are invited to join GO SMART!

What GO SMART will do
1. Knowledge exchange
Exchange knowledge and initiate collaborations with other Smart City stakeholders through GO SMART.
2. Global City connections
Develop inter-city proof-of-concept projects to scale and validate the effectiveness of Smart City policies and initiatives.
3. Stimulate the Smart Economy
Establish an open and cross-border market for Smart City solutions.
產品介紹 今年GO SMART主題館除了基本介紹、形象展示外,將公佈2021 GO SMART Award入圍及優勝名單;更特別邀請2020亮點專案、2020 GO SMART Award優勝專案參展;並收集4名會員之解決方案一同共襄盛舉。
GO SMART invites 2021 GO SMART Award Winners and Finalists, 2020 Best Practices, 2020 GO SMART Award Winners, and 4 GO SMART members to exhibit at GO SMART Pavilion this year. The projects of these organizations will be introduced and promoted.