公司名稱 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd.
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公司簡介 1970年初政府為積極推動國家建設,成立財團法人中興工程顧問社。1994年中興社轉型為研發機構,工程顧問服務移至轉投資之中興工程顧問股份有限公司。
Sinotech Engineering Consultants Inc was established in 1970 as part of a government effort to modernize Taiwan. It built a team of talented engineers capable of undertaking large-scale infrastructure projects and gradually expanded operations overseas with resounding success. In 1994, Sinotech Inc was restructured as a non-profit organization that focuses on research and development, while Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd was founded to continue the consulting business.

Sinotech Ltd worked primarily on hydroelectric and water resources projects before expanding into highways, airports, railways and ports. More recent undertakings include mass rapid transit, science and industrial parks, high-speed rail, high-tech production plants, incinerators, and nuclear decommissioning.

For more than forty years, the Sinotech Group has enjoyed a reputation for integrity, quality, excellence, and innovation. A firm grasp of major engineering trends has allowed Sinotech to apply cutting-edge technology in projects and play a pivotal role in leading Taiwan's modernization. With know-how, leadership and a long-term vision for sustainable development, Sinotech upholds a lasting responsibility to serve clients and to improve human wellbeing.
產品介紹 多元水源智慧調控系統整合水資源物聯網(IoW)、現場感測資訊,以實務管理經驗為基礎,導入氣象預報資訊、人工智慧分析技術及最佳化調控模式,建立自動化雲端運算系統,可動態定時產出決策建議及提供彈性之線上決策輔助分析服務,適用於水庫防洪運轉及區域水源調控,為一水資源智慧調控之全方位解決方案,導入後將可大幅降低缺水風險,提高用水安全。
The Smart Control System of Multiple Water Sources integrates Internet of Things for Water Resources (IoW) and on-site sensing data and import weather forecast information, analysis technics of AI, and optimal control mode based on practical management experience for building automated cloud computing system. The system could generate decision suggestion dynamically and regularly and supply flexible on-line decision support analyzing service, which is suitable to flood control operation of reservoir and control of regional water sources. This is a comprehensive solution for smart control of water resources, could significantly reduce risk of water shortage and hence, raise the water safety.