公司名稱 昕傳科技股份有限公司
WaveGIS Technology Co.
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公司簡介 昕傳科技股份有限公司以智慧城市系統整合服務為企業目標,營運目標為智慧物聯網系統服務整合商,提供客戶有關智慧城市物聯網通訊及資訊等系統規劃、整合應用及建置與售後服務,培訓技術團隊建立自有技術以提供更多更優質的服務。 昕傳科技從M2M與Web技術領域邁向AIoT、Cloud與AI等新興趨勢,以全方位的系統整合及設計服務之目標,在智慧城市整合應用下,與產品供應商、電信服務商等夥伴緊密合作,提供廣泛應用與橫跨產業的解決方案。
Founded in 2004, WaveGIS's core strength has been emphasizing on its diverse ranges of software and hardware solutions. Since its inception, WaveGIS has provided M2M (Machine to Machine), IoT (Internet of Things), AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) products to support customers' distributed, integrated information technology frameworks.
The solutions connect various data and management systems or platforms – including location-based services, data acquisition sensors as well as operational procedures. All products are compliant with industrial standards involving cloud technologies.During the process, WaveGIS has become a leading provider in Taiwan Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
In the IoT technology era, WaveGIS has grown and innovated together with its partners. By providing comprehensive IoT solutions, WaveGIS assists clients to design, deploy and establish scalable IoT services in order to enhance and maximize their enterprise opportunities and customer satisfactions.
產品介紹 智慧河川及智慧防汛
–Intelligent Flood Defense& Smart River
Applying Internet of Things technology, including sensing components and big data platform, the architecture can assist organizations to establish a water-related disaster monitoring system, develop and deploy flood warning capabilities as well as cloud computing and modeling simulations. Furthermore, the system can integrate and coordinate with forecasting mechanisms and aggregate measurements in real time to provide timely assistance in water disaster prevention or mitigation analyses as well as decision support makings. –Sewer monitoring management application
Use water level gauges, flow meters, water quality monitoring equipment,combined with low-power transmission technology to detect abnormal water quality and unknown water, combined with SWM mode to estimate the inflow time of abnormal water quality, ensure the normal operation of sewage equipment, and providing initial early warning.