公司名稱 友拓科技股份有限公司
Friendtrol Technologies, Inc.
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公司簡介 友拓科技是一家大量運用軟體來建構IoT設備的台灣製造商。我們主要產品包含智慧感測器、智慧轉換器以及邊緣控制器。友拓科技致力於軟體,因此我們能夠將IoT產品與雲端、APP做有效的整合。產品應用領域包含智慧家庭、智慧建築、公共交通、學校、醫院…等等,基於具備以上特點,友拓可以提供無論是軟體或是硬體的專業客製化代工服務。
Friendtrol is a Software based IoT manufacturer in Taiwan, which more focuses on Smart Sensor, Intelligent Gateway and Controller. Since our strength is at Software, Friendtrol is capable to seamlessly integrate all of the devices via Cloud, APP or Edge Controller. The application fields include Home, Building, Transportation area, School or Hospital. With these capabilities, we can provide ODM/OEM service in hardware and software design to fulfill different demand from customers. Since COVID-19 is still around our life, the demand for automation (touchless applications) will keep going up in the following years. For automation, sensor is the key component to trigger the whole process.
產品介紹 其中我們最主要的傳感器為AI熱感行為偵測儀,此項技術即是利用收集溫度矩陣的數據,並結合了友拓的專利演算法來分析出人員走動軌跡及危險事件。同時友拓也提供了相當多元化的智慧傳感器,例如溫溼度計、PIR、二氧化碳、PM2.5…等等,智慧傳感器硬體再搭配上軟體的支援,進而達到簡易且快速的與其他系統及設備作連動。友拓科技具備自行開發雲端、APP、智慧傳感器、轉換器及控制器的能力,因此可以提供客戶最完整的一站式服務。
Friendtrol is capable to provide total solutions for this trend. The major Smart Sensor at Friendtrol is Thermal Motion Sensor (TMS), which can collect the thermal grid data to analyze the walking path and emergency events based Friendtol’s AI patent. Although there is no optic camera inside, our AI algorithm still can analyze the outcome, in the meantime the privacy can be secured.

Friendtrol also provide other Smart Sensors, such as Temperature, Humidity, PIR, CO2, PM2.5 and so on. These Smart Sensors can be quickly and easily integrated with any other systems based on our strong Software support. In addition, our Edge Controller, which is equipped with our own IoT OS, can help to integrate our devices easily. With our Cloud and APP service, the ecosystem will be more completed.