公司名稱 浚鴻數據開發股份有限公司
DKABio Co., Ltd.
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公司簡介 浚鴻數據(DKABio)致力於精準健康、精準醫療,及大健康產業數位轉型的推動,擁有500萬華人、資料期間長達20年之健康加值資料庫,利用巨量資料分析技術及高承載資料處理技術,研發智慧健康風險分析引擎,透過數據的力量實現消費者精準健康管理。DKABio相關產品於2019年榮獲第16屆國家新創獎-企業組/智慧醫療與健康科技類,並於2020年榮獲國家新創獎續獎-新創精進獎。
DKABio Co. Ltd is committed to the development of precision health industry ecosystem Based on a huge database from 5 million people collected in 20 years and profound experience in algorithm developing, an integrated analyzing system has been established. By doing this, consumers will be able to manage their health precisely. Our products have won the 16th National Innovation Award (Enterprise Group/Smart Medical and Health Technology) in 2019, and the National Innovation Award Renewal Award (Innovation and Advancement Award) in 2020.
產品介紹 阿吉探針(AQHIPROBE)是一套個人化人工智慧分析引擎,秉持精準防護的精神,將空氣品質指數個人化,只需利用個人能在家中簡單測量的血壓、脈搏、步行距離等生理數據,搭配空氣品質指標資料建立個人常模,就能啟動個人化的自我防護罩,隨時判斷所在地的空氣品質對個人健康的危害程度,持續蒐集數據,更可以監測使用者罹患特定疾病的風險變化,提供民眾管理健康的方向,達到精準防護的終極目標。
AQHIPROBE is a set of personalized AI analysis engine to precisely protect personal health from the air pollution. Air quality index and simple personal physiological data such as blood pressure, pulse, walking distance etc. which can be easily measured at home are needed to create personal predicting model. Once the model has been built, the personal risks of air pollution exposure based on location can be judged at any time. If users provide data continuously, they will be able to monitor the risks of suffering from diseases and protect personal health precisely.