公司名稱 神通資訊科技股份有限公司
MiTAC Information Technology Corp.
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公司簡介 神通資訊科技股份有限公司 於2010年10月正式成立,傳承神通電腦豐厚系統整合經驗與核心技術,提供「雲」與「端」體系化系統整合 (System of System Integration) 的物聯網解決方案,並集結各領域物聯技術與應用,整合資源、發揮綜效,以產品化、國際化為目標,成為智慧城市創新發展的推手
MiTAC Information Technology Corp., a provider of AIoT Solutions for Smart City. Established in October 2010, MiTAC has inherited rich experiences in system integration and core technology from MiTAC Inc, and accumulated technological capabilities in various fields. In past 20 years, MiTAC has been cooperating with governments and enterprises, helping customers from end to cloud, from Electronization to AI, and achieved numerous success cases including E-Gate System, Communication/Electronics/AFC systems in public transportation and RFID system in the Public Library of New Taipei City.
產品介紹 MiAIOT 是專為智慧城市打造的AIOT平台,可深入分析IoT巨量資料,透過AI技術,提供政府與企業因應市政、建築、製程、資產管理乃至防疫決策。本平台容許連接的感測器使用各種傳輸協議,運用國際標準(OGC)高速轉換物聯網和非物聯網資料。內建彈性視覺設計工具,可以簡易拖拉AI元件(No code)或撰寫簡短程式碼(low code),可動態建立AI服務,並立即呈現於內建儀表板,或預測異常並發送通知至第三方系統。提供視覺化決策輔助真正AI智慧連動、豐富API,並讓客戶在無資安疑慮下使用各項服務。
MiAIOT, an AIoT platform designated for smart city. It can thoroughly analyze IoT Big Data and useAI technology to provide governments and enterprises with decisions on municipal administration, city construction, process control, asset management and epidemic prevention. With the international standards (OGC), MiAIOT can convert IoT and non-IoT data at high speed. The flexible built-in visual design tools allow user drag and drop AI code (No code) or write a short code (low code). Users also can create dynamic AI services, and immediately present on the built-in dashboard, or predict abnormalities and send notifications to the third party systems.