
高達能源科技股份有限公司-智慧電池雲端管理系統 高能量可充電式智慧電池組 SmartCharger 及電池交換站





  • 配合創新車電分離之經營模式,以電池模組及智慧型充電站為中心,配以自建私有雲,使用各種物聯網 (IoT) 裝置對其能源箱(電池模組)使用的轉換,相關過程,進行安全監控及數據管理,並透過雲端資料庫收集、分析,並提供全方位性電池模組和充電設備的管理及電池產品儲電及回收循環材料再利用。

  • As residents in cities long suffer from the air and noise pollution as the side effect from convenient transportation, electric vehicle is regarded as the solution, however, limited range and long charging time of high-power batteries has become the obstacles of prevailing, as well as the high price (40~50% of two-wheeled vehicle pricing), maintenance required battery.

  • The answer to LEV users’ anxiety is to separate battery and vehicle, by providing related hardware, battery packs, smart charging/exchange equipment and a cloud-base management system, Energy eXchange Network, EXN™.

  • Experiment shows professional maintenance can effectively prolong battery life. In general the e-scooter battery life span is around 500 cycles, in terms of time, 1~1.5 years.  With proper and professional management, battery pack lifespan can prolong to 2+ years, like GoTech has done in the projects locates in Kenting and Tainan. 




  • 達與屏東客運集團等合資成立之歐多賣電能自民國102年9月開始正式營運,在墾丁投入200多輛電動摩托車及電動自行車,經營B2C旅遊租賃,B2B民宿租賃及未來企業長租使用。在103年,配合台南巿政府推廣低碳運輸政策,在台南配備近百輛電動自行車,電動機車,以及智慧充電交換站及智慧電池雲端管理系統

  • 在屏東墾丁及台南的營運中,EXN對電池使用的安全與增長壽命上有有效管理的表現,再加上智慧電池模組的網路管理與雙電池主動並聯技術應用,使歐多賣租賃的電動二輪車續航力得以延長到100公里以上,涵蓋台南及墾丁各主要景點。 

  • GoTech, join ventured with Ping-Tung Bus, established Oodo bike e-scooter rental in Kenting since September, 2013.  With over 200 units of e-scooter, e-bikes, targeting at Kenting tourist market, GoTech and PT Bus has successfully implement charging stations in several outstanding tourist sites.  In 2014, Oodo bike Rental extends operation in Tainan, echoed with local government’s call to eliminate carbon emission, implemented an additional 100 units of e-scooters, e-bikes, battery exchange, and smart charging solution and EXN.

  • In Kenting and Tainan’s operation, EXN™ and parallel-designed battery pack proved an efficient management enhances battery safety and life-span, not only most of the SOH of battery remain at 90% after years of operation, the range of one charge extended to 100+KM, right enough to cover major sightseeing sites in Kenting and Tainan.



  • 歐多賣懇丁營業所自102年9月開始營運,原始使用之電池迄今(105年)電池健康狀態(SOH)平均維持90%以上的表現,有效延長電池使用年限。
  • 恆春半島主要景點騎乘一圈約100km左右,一般遊客於恆春半島(墾丁)遊玩一天,約騎乘50~60km,高達的電動二輪車配備兩顆48V16Ah鋰電池,平均時速約25km/hr,電池透過EXN雲端網路管理平台的管理機制及與雙電池主動式並聯的應用下,續航力可提升至110km左右。


  • Original battery packs used in Kenting Oodo bike Rental remain 90%+ SOH since September 2013.
  • Two parallel-designed 48V 16aH rechargeable Lithium ion battery packs with average 25KM/hr speed, supported by EXN cloud management mechanism, the range extended to 100+KM. 



  • 智慧社智慧電池與EXN雲端管理平台的結合,可收集、分析並管理電池的所有資訊如下:
  1. 智慧型電池:除可供一般充放電使用之外,電池本身可與配對之充電/換電系統溝通。專利的散熱設計,提升電池的使用壽命。每顆電池本身擁有ID身份辨識可和智慧充電/換電設備溝通,提供精確的電池健康,充放電履歷記錄及SOH、SDC的容量訊息。
  2. 智慧型充電換電設備:提供智慧充電,換電及電池資訊管理服務。減少使用者的等待時間也有利於車輛的調度,和後台(EXN)交換收集的電池相關資訊
  3. 營運收費的管理:架構於EXN平台上之應用之一,有效的控管電池壽命及安全性,降低營運成本;藉由長期租賃的營運模式來增加營收。
  4. 電池物流管理:透過EXN平台可清楚了解每顆電池的ID流通交易紀錄,掌握電池的營運狀況。
  • Combination of smart battery pack and EXN cloud management platform, collect, analyze and manage battery information as below:

1. Smart battery packs, beyond general charge/discharge, packs communicate with matching charging/exchange equipment.  Patented thermal solution extended battery life-span.  Each packs owns individual identification to provides precise battery health, charging/discharging record, and SOH, SOC information

2. Smart Charging/Exchange equipment: provides information exchange service.  Battery Exchange system also shorten the charging waiting time for flexible fleet management.

3. Payment management, one of EXN™ applications provides payment      management over battery leasing.

4. Battery logistic management, EXN™ system tracks individual battery transactionrecord, controls battery operation activities. 


