
慧德科技-臨床照護管理系統 呼吸照護




先進生理資訊傳輸系統(簡稱APTS),可整合各種生理量測設備,自動擷取數據,並將資料上傳與應用。 以呼吸器整合應用稱為APTS_V,V代表的是呼吸器Ventilator。主要應用者為呼吸治療師(RT)。






Advanced physiological data system (APTS). Our system retrieves vital data from medical equipment and provides user friendly applications and monitoring systems for therapist, doctors and nurses. APTS_V, specifically built for respiratory therapists, retrieves and sorts useful data from ventilators, display and managed through both app on mobile tablets and web based software on PC platforms. While being able to upload directly into Hospital Information Systems and provide analytical trends to doctors and for research purposes. 






To be deployed in ICU/ward of hospitals and medical centers. A typical Intensive Care Unit usually consists of 20-30 beds, each with one ventilator. With each ventilator we connect our wifi gateway, uploading the respiratory data into our APTS_V server stationed in the hospital computer/server facility. Respiratory therapists can obtain and monitor patient respiratory data through tablets while moving and/or through stationary PC installed with our app and web based software platform.

    Our deployment could extent to multiple units and ward areas within the entire hospital with wifi connectivity, up to hundreds of ventilators and multi floor care units.



  • 照護表單電子化、轉院內病歷
  • 呼吸器數據自動擷取,減少表單抄寫
  • 增加照護時間,提高人員成本效益
  • 提升照護品質,可服務更多病患
  • 完整記錄警報,可調閱病人歷史數據,協助職務交接及管理
  • 提供醫護人員完整的呼吸資料比對及醫囑狀態顯示,便於調整用藥及設備使用參考
  • 雲端管理數據可提供醫護人員做個案研究管理與報告


  • Electronic patient records and forms
  • Auto data acquisition saves labor writing and typing hrs
  • Minimizing administrative work means more time to attend patient care giving thus increase in overall efficiency and productivity
  • Increasing number of patients versus per care giver
  • Continuous data and records deliver transition and management efficiency
  • Continuous data collection provides key factors in the improvement of treatment and prescription methods.
  • Big data mining for medical and research purpose



根據美國ECRI 每年發佈的十大警訊與醫療儀器連線相關的問題至少都有三項, 足以證明醫療互聯網在建置時應該完整規畫, 否則更容易因為系統的複雜與不完整影響病人安全。



最後讓患者、儀器、工作人員三個醫院最重要元素,能做到更安全的醫療照護(Right care)、更具水準的醫事人員(Right provider)、產出更高醫療價值與降低醫療成本(Right value)以及更多創新(Right Innovation)醫療應用,同時結合醫院的其他資訊系統如PACS, LIS, NIS等。必可做為醫療或醫學大數據之最佳應用。

According to ECRI, various problems continue to occur in the connectivity of medical equipment which points out the need of improvement in the establishment of IoT for medical applications. The complication and imperfection of the system poses serious threats to the welfare of patients. From the caretakers point of view, IoT is able to give real time feedback of patient vital signs and locations which benefits prompt medical attention and treatments. The automation of these vital data helps to improve the quality of the medical care.

    From the management point of view, IoT of medical equipment not only provide better understand of medical equipment adaptation but improve cost efficiency of medical human resources by cutting down manual labor while increase accuracy of the data recorded. Thus achieving the ultimate goal of giving the patient“right care” by the“right provider” with the “right innovation”resulting the “right value”.

    By combining other information system of hospitals such as the PACs, LIS, and NIS, the data accumulated can also be used for big data mining with medical research and development purposes.
