



跨境遠距工作 (Telework) 服務平台”快樂工作”是本公司此次參展的主軸。所謂遠距工作是指在雇主所提供的辦公室之外的地方工作, 並經由各類資訊技術協助,完成工作的工作方式,雇主和受雇方可以是同一組織的成員,也可以是在世界不同角落完全不認識的雙方。



The telework platform connected with on-line freelancing is presented. The employer perhaps notices the right employees in the platform or carries the work team towards the platform. Most of the interactions between employers as well as employees can be conducted moreover recorded in the platform. Additionally, if the employees however agree, the telework APP would observe the PC used for the project in actual time through internet. The employers had become alert the development of the project applying the APP.

In this way, people possibly do their jobs as well as deliver the consequences without offices. Moreover, people possibly do their jobs more flexibly from the standpoint of working hours as well as workplaces. Migration of the generations at work away from home on account of globalization possibly be greatly decreased. Consequently, telework perhaps assist keeping faith of the family as well as promise to their families.









The on-line telework platform perhaps be applied for the outsourcing works where the outcome perhaps be obtained through internet. Particularly, the goals as well as deliverables possibly are altered through the development of the project in the work. These alterations are usual in the tasks connected to design, programming, discussing with as well as etc. The system of conventional outsourcing could be extremely hard to deal with these alterations. In disparity, the on-line telework platform perhaps makes good application of the alterations to get the project to be completed more competently as well as efficiently. The telework APP can observes the PC applied for the project in actual time through internet. Therefore, the employers become alert of the rank as well as the development of the project. They perhaps feedback as well as direct the project applying the communication tools offered by the platform. Moreover, the hourly salary is provided as well as the working hours through the APP. Most of the above assistance managing the alterations while the development of the on-line project and get the job to be accomplished as it is in the office.

Furthermore, a few tasks accomplished in the offices while working hours possibly be completed in the platform at any time. People possibly perform their jobs more flexibly from the viewpoints of working hours as well as workplaces. 

