
首長高峰會講師簡介 Speakers 2015-03-17


Rob van Gijzel

City of Eindhoven,

Rob van Gijzel 荷蘭第五大城恩荷芬市(Eindhoven)現任市長。主修教育, 1980 年時代表荷蘭工黨於歐洲國會服務並為荷蘭政治青年組織重組協辦人。 1989 年成為荷蘭工黨國會議員, 主要擔任國際事務、空間規劃、交通、公共工程及水資源管理等領域之發言人。

2008年獲選為恩荷芬市市長,在其帶領之下,恩荷芬市於2011年同時榮獲「全球智慧生活聯盟」(Living Lab Global, LLG)以及「智慧城市論壇」(Intelligent Community Forum, ICF )所頒全球「年度最智慧城市」之殊榮,展現該市於智慧城市建設上的努力與實力,並期望能使該市成為荷蘭甚至歐洲地區之主要知識經濟產業聚落,結合高科技、設計、生技、食品科學及汽車等高知識產值產業,協助荷蘭擠身全球前五大經濟體之列。

此外,范海索市長同時也為許多組織團體之主委,如ICF理事會、「智慧港基金會」(Brainport Foundation )、青年社會黨員組織、 國家汽車通照組織及光束族群監督委員會等。而他也將其管理長才運用在主要城市區域國立組織、 Woonbedrijf  住宅建築公司與RWE能源公司等組織團體上。此次Rob van Gijzel市長特地率團來台訪問,正是希望能與台灣分享該市近來城市發展之成果並期盼與台灣各界進行初步交流及探索未來合作可能性。

Mayor of the Netherlands’ fifth largest city, Eindhoven, Mr. Rob van Gijzel became part of the Jonge Socialisten, the youth section of the Labour Party (PvdA) of the Netherlands, while still a student in 1980. In 1989, he was elected to parliament as a candidate for the PvdA,  where he served as caucus spokesman on the subject of Verkeer & Waterstaat (traffic, transport, public works and water management).

Elected as mayor of Eindhoven in 2008, Mr. van Gijzel has led Eindhoven city to attain the Intelligent Community of the Year award by the Living Lab Global (LLG) and the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) in 2011, thus showing the city’s effort and strength in infrastructural development. He further wishes to establish Eindhoven as the place of gathering for the Netherlands, and furthermore, as the European region’s information economy, and combining technology, design, biotech, food science, automobile, and other knowledge-based high production value industries to make Eindhoven one of the world’s top five economies.

Mr. van Gijzel has chaired many committees, amongst which include the ICF, and the Brainport Foundation; and the Supervisory Board of the Lumens Group; and he was a representative of the ABVA/KABO Union. He has also used his management skills on the boards of a wide range of organizations, including the National Association for Priority Urban Districts, Woonbedrijf, a residential building corporation, RWE, an energy company, etc.


Jan Sobotka

City of Vrchlabí,

Jan Sobotka,水資源架構與管理碩士,1988年畢業於Brno University of Technology,1998年獲選為弗爾赫拉比市市長後,至今邁入第五屆任期,期間致力於推動該市智慧城市建設,並獲選為歐盟GRID4EU計畫歐洲六個試點城市其中之一,於2011年起開始推動智慧電網計畫,使該市成為捷克最智慧化的城市。
此外,Jan Sobotka市長於2002年起也獲選為捷克城鎮政府聯盟的主席,該聯盟成員含括40個捷克境內城市,並致力於城市發展與觀光推動。

Jan Sobotka, Mayor of Vrchlabí. After completing elementary and secondary school Mr. Sobotka attended the Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Water Structures and Management, where in 1988 he received his title Ing. (Engineer).
In 1998 Mr. Sobotka commenced his duties as a Mayor of the Vrchlabí town and has continued with this position for the fifth function term.
During this period, Mr. Sobotka has actively facilitated the smart city development allowing for Vrchlabí to be selected as one of the six project demonstrator cities by the European GRID4EU project. The smart grid project that started since 2011 has made Vrchlabí the smartest city in Czech.

Beside his present function as Mayor, Mr. Jan Sobotka concurrently serves as the chairman of the Krkonoše - Union of Towns and Municipalities, which brings together a total of 40 towns and municipalities and about 65 thousands permanent residents. Its aim is to coordinate the overall development of the tourist region. To this function he was elected in 2002.


Soon-Hyun Ryu

Metropolitan City of Daejeon,
Vice Mayor

Graduated with a B.A. in Law and a M.S. in Public Administration from Seoul National University, Vice Mayor Soon-Hyun Ryu went on to receive a M.S. in Public Administration at Syracuse University.

Vice Mayor Soon-Hyun Ryu entered the Korean Central Government through passing the 31st Civil Service Examination in 1987. In 2008, he became the director of the Local Autonomy Administration Division of the Ministry of Administration and Safety. In 2009, he was Director-General of the Planning and Management Bureau of the Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute, as well as Director-General of the Planning and Management Bureau of Daejeon Metropolitan City. In 2010, Mr. Ryu became Director-General of the Local Autonomy Planning Bureau under the Ministry of Administration and Safety. In 2013, Mr. Ryu became Director-General of the Local Autonomy Policy Bureau and the Local Administration Policy Bureau, both under the Ministry of Administration and Safety.

Soon-Hyun Ryu has been the Vice Mayor for Administrative Affairs for Daejeon Metropolitan City in 22 April 2014.