公司名稱 | 電信技術中心 | ||
Company Name |
TTC | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2240 |
公司簡介 | 財團法人電信技術中心(以下簡稱本中心)自 93 年 2 月成立以來,以配合國家資通訊發展計畫,執行通訊傳播監理政策、通訊傳播技術規範及資通安全技術規範之研究,以成為政府資通訊政策及技術智庫為目標;並因應資通訊技術發展,提供資通訊產品檢測驗證、顧問諮詢及相關平臺營運管理服務,協助推動國內廠商技術升級並帶動相關產業之發展。 | ||
Company Introduction |
Since its foundation in February 2004, TTC has established InfoCom security, Broadcasting and Wireless Broadband testing laboratories and has been endeavoring to satisfy the requirements for info-communications product testing, certification and technical consulting services. In addition, with the successful implementation of Number Portability Centralized Database Administration Center (NPAC) by TTC since 13th Oct. 2005, over thirteen million fixed-line users and twenty-one million mobile users have been enable to enjoy high quality and highly reliable NP service. That has created a win-win situation among the users, operators and the government. Looking forward to the future, as the digital convergence is going to transform the traditional communications ecosystem, TTC will devote to integrating the R&D capacities of universities and research institutes around Kaohsiung Science Park to become a national-level InfoCom technology center. With all your great support, TTC will contribute to and witness the sustainable growth of the InfoCom industry in southern Taiwan. |
產品介紹 | 5G網路可靠度驗證:5G垂直應用領域涉及範圍相當多元,本中心擁有5G開放網路驗證及整合環境,開發5G網路設備完整可靠度驗證機制,確保5G網路設備滿足功能、互通及性能等指標要求,研析5G垂直應用示範場域開發關鍵效能指標(KPI),設計SLA參考框架,做為企業對於營運提供商所建置的應用場域驗收依據,讓使用者真正體驗「大頻寬」、「低延遲」和「廣連結」的5G特性。 UL2900 網路安全第三方認可測試實驗室:本中心基於「UL網路安全保障計畫」(CAP),採用全新UL 2900系列標準,提供聯網產品的攻擊威脅、軟體缺陷與漏洞、惡意軟體、軟體開發風險管理和產品架構等相關評估及測試。經由TTC在地化測試服務,可望大幅度縮短廠商取得UL 2900證書的時間,完備物聯網設備資安防護能力並降低資安事件發生之風險,提升產品競爭力,以利打入國際供應鏈市場。 物聯網場域資安防護評估:物聯網場域資安防護評估從物聯網應用情境出發,以威脅建模(Threat Modeling)、漏洞檢測 (Vulnerability Testing)、滲透測試(Penetration Testing)及衝擊分析(Impact Analysis)之評估報告等四道流程,有效揭露應用場域是否達到基本的資訊安全防護。 |
Product Summary |
5G Network Reliability Testing:5G IoT involves quite a variety of industrial sectors. TTC owns a 5G integration and verification laboratory (5G IVL), develops complete reliability verification services for 5G vertical applications. 5G IVL provides the services including functions, interoperability and performance, and cybersecurity verifications. In addition, we develop the service level agreement (SLA) reference framework with the diverse key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure the reliability and resiliency of 5G vertical applications. 5G IoT is making the world smarter, and TTC is making 5G IoT realize its features of high bandwidth, low latency, ultra-reliability, and massive connections. UL Cybersecurity 3rd Party Data Acceptance Testing Laboratory:TTC is an experienced team of cybersecurity experts that helps organizations improve their security posture and increase confidence in implementing and assessing the proper security controls and vulnerabilities of network-enabled consumer, medical and industrial products. TTC has been assessed and found to comply with the applicable requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 in accordance with UL’s cybersecurity 3rd Party Data Acceptance Testing Laboratory (3rd Party DATL) program and has been qualified as a 3rd Party DATL participant. Security assessment guidelines for IoT-enabled field:Security assessment guidelines for IoT-enabled field applications begins with the IoT application scenarios and apply four steps of assessment including threat modeling, vulnerability testing, penetration testing and impact analysis, to effectively reveal whether the IoT field applications meet the baseline of information security protection. |