公司名稱 海盛科技有限公司
Hyson Technology Inc.
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公司簡介 海盛科技成立於2018年是開發AI解決方案及整合軟硬體設備的專家。研發團隊來自新竹與內湖科學園區,由人工智慧設計競賽優勝、黑客松冠軍、國際業務行銷等各領域專家所組成,擁有超過十年以上的業界整合開發經驗,在農林漁牧、科技製造業等各式產業提供人工智慧與物聯網整體解決方案,為您的事業注入新科技元素,是您不可或缺的事業夥伴。
海盛科技成立至今相繼獲得了包含數位時代未來創新商務最佳產品創新獎、經濟部中小企業創新研究獎、EE Times亞洲精選最值得投資團隊、以及有亞太資通訊科技奧斯卡獎之稱的APICTA Award雙銀牌等超過20個產品獎項。
HysonTech, founded in 2018, is an expert in developing AI solutions and in integrating software, hardware, and mechanical equipment. The R&D team comes from Hsinchu and Neihu Science Parks, and is composed of experts in various fields such as artificial intelligence design competition winners, hackathon champions, and international business marketing. We provide artificial intelligence and Internet of Things solutions for your industries, introduce new technological elements into your business, and be your best business partner.
HysonTech has successively won more than 20 of innovation and product awards, including the Taiwan SMEs Innovation Award of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Best Product Innovation Award of Future Commerce, the Most Investable Team of EE Awards Asia, and the two APICTA Awards, which are known as the Oscar Awards of Asia-Pacific Information and Communication Technology.
產品介紹 海盛科技養好魚系統以專利水下攝影機與可攜式物聯網分析儀監控養殖魚群,並搭載獨家影像除霧技術將魚隻影像變清晰,以監控魚群活動與攝食、判斷魚病等,養殖現場資訊與雲端同步,雲端AI可自動取樣量測魚隻生物資訊,統計魚群成長狀況、預測收穫日期、分析飼料換肉比等,系統亦可擴充對現場自動化設備進行遙控操作,連結水質檢測等周邊模組,全方位的對魚群與魚塭內外環境進行監控預警,是現今邁向養殖永續生產的最佳產品。
The patented FarmABetterFish system includes an underwater camera with an AIoT portable analyzer to monitor fish stock, and an embedded edge-AI image defogging technology to make the underwater images clearer, so that fishermen can check the fish activities and healthiness, examine the feeding, etc. The images are synchronized to the cloud. Cloud-AI will identify, measure, and record the fish biological information to statistic the stock growth status, predict the harvest dates, analyze the feed conversion rates, and present the visual reports. This product can be expanded to remotely control on-site automation equipment, link peripheral modules such as water quality detectors, monitor and alert the in-pond and near-pond environments. This system is the best product to make aquaculture visible, measurable, controllable, and to scale up your aquaculture business.