公司名稱 | 行政院農業委員會 | ||
Company Name |
COA | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2301a |
公司簡介 | 行政院農業委員會主管全國農、林、漁、牧及糧食行政事務, 於2017年推動「新農業創新推動方案」,開始執行「智慧農業」計畫,係以我方已有之農業技術為基礎,研發創新技術,並於農業具代表性之蘭花、種苗、菇類、稻作、農業設施、外銷主力作物、海洋漁、養殖漁、家禽、家畜產業等十大領航產業進行整合應用及推廣。並於2021年起依獎勵及協助農企業導入智慧科技及數位轉型之跨域技術及設備,提高參與之誘因與強化技術之擴散,積極促成農企業轉型與升級。鼓勵農企業採用農業經營之創新模式,成立智農聯盟,建立農企業與農民之夥伴關係,以創新研發強化產業競爭力。 | ||
Company Introduction |
The Council of Agriculture Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (COA) is the competent authority on the agricultural, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry and food affairs in Taiwan. It has launched The Smart Agriculture Program since 2017. The basis of the program is New Agricultural Innovation Promotion Plan. It develops intelligent devices, sensing technology, Internet of Things (IoTs) and big data analysis to help digitize knowledge, automate production, optimize products and simplify operations. To promote the Smart Agriculture Program, we had prioritized ten industries for promotion: orchid, seedling, mushroom, rice, agricultural facility, export main force crop, offshore fishery, aquaculture, poultry and livestock. In order to strengthen the effective diffusion of technology and increase the participation of businesses, we have developed incentive programs to encourage the digital transformation of agricultural industries since 2021; on the other hand, the COA promotes “Smart Farmers Union” to build up new partnership between contractor and agribusiness, and upgrading the competitiveness of the industry. | ||
產品介紹 | 依行政院科技會報規劃之「雲世代產業數位轉型」政策,推動農漁產銷與農機創新營運計畫為主軸,以「科技智農、永續共榮」規劃四大展出主題,科技智農、智慧漁業、雲世代數位轉型及漁電共生,呈現農委會所屬機關及產業界等近2年智慧農業科技相關研發亮點成果,透過展館設計、運用海報、影片、模型及現場互動等方式,與參觀者進行臺灣智慧農業的溝通。具體展現我國在智慧與數位農業相關政策之跨領域執行成效,期以推動農產業國際化,建立我國特有的智慧農業科技及國際品牌能見度,領航農產業技術推向全球。 | ||
Product Summary |
According to the Digital Transformation of Cloud Generation Industry policy planned by Board of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan, it promotes the agricultural and fishery product marketing, and innovative operation plan of agricultural machinery to be the main axis. Four exhibition themes including smart agriculture, smart fishery, digital transformation of cloud generation, and fishery and electricity symbiosis are planned to fit the title “Sustainable Smart Agriculture with Technology and Prosperity”. We present the smart agriculture technology-related highlights from The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan and industry these 2 years and communicate with visitors about smart agriculture through the design of the exhibition hall, posters, videos, models and live interaction. Through the exhibition, we look forward to advocating the internationalization of Taiwan agricultural industry with the concrete results and benefits derived from interdisciplinary integration of smart and digital agriculture, which helps Taiwan establish unique smart agriculture technology and visibility of international brands and leads the promotion of agricultural technology to the whole world. |