公司名稱 神通資科
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公司簡介 神通資訊科技股份有限公司,前身為1974年成立的神通電腦,傳承其豐厚的系統整合經驗與核心技術,於2010年10月分割設立,為企業及政府提供「雲」與「端」體系化系統整合 (System of System Integration) 的AIoT解決方案,並集結各領域技術與應用,整合資源、發揮綜效,客戶涵蓋政府機構、國/民營企業、教育單位、金融機構等,在智慧交通、智慧政府、智慧製造、智慧企業、智慧文教、智慧金融、智慧觀光等領域發展出成功的營運模式,是台灣智慧城市及數位轉型的重要領導廠商。
MiTAC Information Technology Corp., a provider of AIoT Solutions for Smart City and Digital Transformation. Established in October 2010, MiTAC has inherited experiences in system integration and core technology from MiTAC Inc, and accumulated technological capabilities in various fields. MiTAC has been cooperating with governments and enterprises, helping customers with digital transformation from end to cloud, from Electronization to AI and developed successful business models in Smart Transportation, Smart Government, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Enterprise, Smart Education, Smart Banking, and Smart Tourism.
產品介紹 神通資科以自主開發的MiAIOT平台、搭配邊緣運算與AI運用,為政府、企業、製造業提供各種雲端服務及5G AIoT解決方案。智慧治理方面,包括MiAIOT企業與政府之數據匯流、智慧水務管理以及智慧教育與保健平台,提升資料分析廣度與洞察力,創造業務與營運價值;數位轉型方面,包括智慧協作工作環境,智能CRM,雲端服務,智慧大樓,以及新一代資訊基礎架構-軟體定義資料中心與網路,混合雲方案,提升企業與機關之敏捷運作能力,以及透過雲服務及大數據&AI分析,加強企業競爭力與永續經營之能力;智慧製造包括:自動化工廠基礎建設-5G企業專網建置服務、疫情期間跨國設備維修好幫手-AR遠端專家協作系統、建物健康安全守護者-橋樑結構檢測系統、機台耗材折舊AI精準更換-刀具磨耗監控平台、設備異常AI告警-泵浦故障預測系統等。
The Pioneer of Smart Cities. The Access to Digital transformation
MiTAC Information Technology Corp. leverages in-house developed MiAIOT platform, edge computing and AI technology as the core to provide various cloud services and 5G AIoT solutions for the government, enterprises, and the manufacturing industry. MiAIOT Data Convergence platform, Smart Water Resources Management and Smart Education and Health Service Platform enhance the breadth and insight of data analysis; MiTAC’s Digital Transformation solutions including Smart Collaborative Work Environment, Smart CRM, Cloud Services, Smart Buildings, and Next-Generation Information Infrastructure, SDDC & Hybrid Cloud Solutions. In the Smart Factory fields, MiTAC offers 5G Indoor Private Network for the infrastructure of fully automated operation, AR Remote Collaboration System for offsite maintenance especially during the CoVid-19 pandemic, Bridge Structure Detection System for architecture health examination, Cutter Abrasion Monitoring Platform for AI accurate replacement, Pump Failure Prediction System for abnormality detection.