公司名稱 | 中鋼保全 | ||
Company Name |
CSS | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2603 |
公司簡介 | 中鋼保全公司於民國86年成立,多年來秉持「誠信、團隊、品質、創新」的核心價值,並確立「創新服務、 提升價值、追求成長,成為讓客戶安心、社會信賴的安全服務企業」之願景,期許成為提供優質服務,保障客戶安全、照顧員工福祉,共享經營成果與積極多元發展之永續經營企業。 在中國鋼鐵公司三十餘年的駐場保全基礎下,結合旗下鋼堡科技的專業技術,中鋼保全提供了專業與先進的安全服務,讓產品與服務在具有多年的傳統經驗外,亦不失與時俱進的創新。 |
Company Introduction |
China Steel Security Corporation(CSS) was founded in 1997. With the value of “Integrity, Cooperation, Quality, Innovation”, we wish to offer the high quality services, ensure the security of customers, care the employee welfare, and establishing the vison of becoming a reliable and comforting corporation for social and customers. With 30y experience of factory security combining the advanced technology, CSS offers the most professional and advanced security services and products. let the innovation always followed. |
產品介紹 | 本次中保公司主要展出的產品有AI智慧辨識、毫米波偵測系統與連動式住警器。AI智慧辨識應用於保全服務上,結合最新科技的智慧辨識,達到自動高效的保全服務。毫米波偵測能進行對動作的感測,應用於居家的醫療照護,可對跌倒、落床或是碰撞等行為偵測,能及時感測異常狀態的發生並進行通報。連動式住警器可對火警發生地點進行通報,例如警告廚房發生火警,住戶即可避開起火點或是前去撲滅。 | ||
Product Summary |
AI identify system, mmWave systems and interlinked alarming system will be presented. With the AI identify technique, our system offers the automatic and high efficiency security service. The mmWave system applies in homecare, detecting the physiological activity like fall off, dropping from bed or collision, perceiving and informing the case at first time. The interlinked alarming system features of informing the origin of fire. When its detector triggered, it alarms where the fire is, resident can escape from or go extinguish the fire. |