公司名稱 | 亞洲.矽谷 | ||
Company Name |
ASVDA | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2420 |
公司簡介 | 亞洲.矽谷計畫積極推動5G應用,並結合AIoT等技術,發展5G智慧城鄉創新服務,期提升南台灣在地民眾生活品質,創造產業新價值。本次展示成果包含: -「智慧製造」:藉由5G企業專網,建立電線電纜智慧工廠,讓產線能快速因應企業訂單需求,形成新的智慧化生產模式,提升產線、品管等智慧工廠運作效能。 -「智慧展演」:結合5G與VR/AR技術,將展演、觀光等資訊呈現於高畫質大螢幕、互動看板與行動裝置等,提供高雄輕軌乘客最新、最即時的旅遊體驗。 -「智慧教育」:整合5G與 VR/MR技術,建置智慧風電虛實整合模擬訓練,協助培育國內離岸風電人才,加速國內風電產業在地化。 -「智慧健康」:透過5G、AI與AR等技術,建置智慧照護系統、緊急急救系統、家屬遠距探訪系統等,以提升國內醫療照護服務品質。 |
Company Introduction |
Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan (ASVDP) actively promotes 5G applications combing with AIoT technologies to develop innovative 5G smart city services and therefore, improve people’s quality of life as well as create additional industrial value. Solutions demonstrated in this pavilion include: - Smart Manufacturing: with 5G private network, electric wire & cable manufacturers can be upgrade to smart factories, so that production lines can quickly respond to needs of customer orders and improve operational efficiency of production lines and quality control etc., under this new smart manufacturing model. - Smart Show: combining 5G with VR/AR technologies, the solution can provide light rail passengers in Kaohsiung with most instant and updated information on exhibitions, travel experience via large high-resolution displays, interactive digital signages and mobile devices. - Smart Education: integrating 5G with VR/MR technologies, the solution can cultivate talents in the field of offshore wind power via online/offline simulation training programs and therefore, accelerate localization of wind power industries. - Smart Healthcare: through 5G & AR/VR technologies, the solution establishes smart healthcare, emergency medical and remote visit systems etc., to improve quality of local medical care services. |
產品介紹 | |||
Product Summary |