公司名稱 陽明海運
Yang Ming
Website 攤位號碼
Booth No.
公司簡介 陽明海運股份有限公司成立於 1972 年 12 月 28 日。自成立以來,全球員工秉持”團隊、創新、誠信、務實”之價值理念,專注於全球化與精緻化的海運運輸經營,不僅以”準、快、穩、省”四大準則提供優良服務,在營運績效及策略上,透過與世界其他知名船公司聯營合作,發揮全球營運資源整合效能,使得業績持續穩健成長,成為全球名列前茅的海運公司。
Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation (Yang Ming) was established on December 28th, 1972. Since that time, our staff members across the world have observed our core value of “Teamwork, Innovation, Integrity and Pragmatism” in enhancing our transportation expertise and service quality. We have dedicated ourselves to providing global and sophisticated marine transportation services. By providing our customers with high-quality “punctual, speedy, reliable, and economical” services, Yang Ming has become one of the leading shipping companies in the world.
產品介紹 陽明海運在面對經營環境和客戶需求的快速變動,不斷加強同業間的策略聯盟,擴增服務航線網與密集的航點,提供客戶多樣選擇的快捷海運服務;陽明海運集團透過包含貨櫃航運、散裝運輸、碼頭事業、物流事業及文化志業等企業亦不斷運用新的資訊科技、升級軟硬體系統,以整合資訊提供客戶e化服務,並藉由流程改造,提升服務品質與效能,並同時透過辦理特展及活動的方式,積極投入推廣海洋文化教育工作。
In the face of rapid changes in shipping business environment and in our customers' request, we provide our customers with multiple choices and rapid shipping service. Our managing policy includes unceasingly fortifying our strategic alliances with shipping partners, enlarging the shipping service network and increasing calling ports. Yang Ming Group includes liner service, bulk service, terminal service, logistics service and cultural undertakings. Through continuously using new information technology, upgrading computer systems, unifying the relevant information, and modifying working process, Yang Ming Group provides integrated e-service to our customers and promote our working quality and quantity as well. Meanwhile, Yang Ming also hopes to bring people closer to marine culture through exhibitions and other activities held by these facilities.