公司名稱 凌群電腦股份有限公司
SYSCOM computer engineering Co.
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公司簡介 凌群電腦為國內少數提供跨國資訊服務的廠商之一。四十多年來扮演著國內企業E化的火車頭角色,擁有數百位研發及系統工程人員,服務領域遍及金融證券、電信、醫療院所、政府與警政,及高科技製造業...等。我們秉持著前瞻的需求規劃、充份發揮企業累積的專業資源,提供專精敬業的技術人才及系統整合,電腦軟硬體及通訊技術統合,以及電腦系統規劃、設計、導入與維護服務,顧問與整體資訊委外服務等,結合並發揮客戶核心的競爭優勢,使客戶真正享受到優質專業服務。近年更投入雲端科技、人工智慧、物聯網、巨量資料分析、區塊鏈、智慧城市及資安…等多元領域的前瞻研發,成果豐碩,廣受好評。
Company Summary (400 characters with spacing):
Syscom established in 1975 is Taiwan's “the best representative of information services provider”. The company provides professional services including system integration services IT consulting outsourcing services maintenance training and education and software / hardware selling to enterprises and the government to build the IT mechanism in their operation. In the past decades Syscom’s territories comprise smart city banking securities insurance healthcare government telecommunication and manufacturing industries and have gained excellent reputation among our customers. In recent years it has invested in advanced research and development of solutions such as cloud computing technology artificial intelligence Internet of Things big data analysis blockchain smart cities " and information security and so on. The results have been fruitful and are deeply impressed.
產品介紹 凌羣電腦整合既有專業系統如警政、醫療、金融等,創新加值應用,成功研發服務型機器人—雲端機器人Ayuda智慧平台。Ayuda服務型機器人完全台灣製造(MIT),整合了機器人零組件、移動平台(底座)、人臉辨識、人形偵測、語音辨識、語音交談、視訊、自行學地圖尋標導航…等功能,為全球市售同等級產品中的佼佼者,功能更優於Pepper…等同等級產品,同時可應用於智慧警察、智慧醫療、智慧金融及智慧教育等多種不同情境。
SYSCOM’s smart service robot-Ayuda works well in smart police, smart finance, smart healthcare and smart education environment. It provides functions like mobile platform, human face recognition, human detection, voice recognition, voice communication, video conference etc. and is the leading one compared with similar robot solution globally.