公司名稱 | 中保科技集團 | ||
Company Name |
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2619 |
公司簡介 | 44年前,中興保全科技剛創立,提供商店與住家的保全服務,為了落實集團核心理念「安全、信賴」,在不斷的努力與 堅持下,直至現今,不僅結合物聯網應用與雲端科技,打造多元便利的智慧環境,更走出居家環境,拓展視野全面建構智 慧城市,我們始終站在消費者的立場思考,如何才能實現大眾想像中的美好生活。 從一開始由保全業務起家,多年來,我們始終堅持提供讓人安心、有信賴感的服務,以創造更加便利的生活環境,現今,智慧科技儼然已成為生活的一部份,由個人到城市,我們依然持續努力在生活的每個角落,挑戰進步的各種可能,透過科技,當初在腦海勾勒的美好生活不再只是想像,而是真正實踐在周遭的每個改變,未來生活,就是現在。 |
Company Introduction |
Taiwan SECOM Co., Ltd. was founded 44 years ago, providing businesses and homes with security services. In an effort to realize the group's core philosophy of Safety and Trust, we have upheld a persistent and diligent corporate culture. Today, we have integrated IoT with cloud technology to engineer a diverse, convenient, and smart environment; moreover, we have expanded beyond the home and business environment to broaden our horizons and provide building blocks for smart cities. We have always put ourselves in the consumers' shoes to envision an enhanced lifestyle for everyone. Started as a security firm, Taiwan SECOM have, for many years, upheld our philosophy in providing the public with safe and trustworthy services to create a more comfortable living environment. Now, smart technology has become a part of life, from individuals to cities, and we will continue to challenge different possibilities in every corner of life. With the application of technology, living the fabulous life as we continue to imagine is no longer just a dream. Instead, we strive to continue taking the initiative to make changes happen because the future of living is now. |
產品介紹 | 系統服務:資通化安控系統、MiniBond衛星定位協尋系統、數位監視及影像對講系統、消防系統、門禁考勤系統、金庫系列、偵測系統 智慧城市:智慧建築綜合解決方案、大型場域安全管理方案、AI智慧客制化解決方案 駐衛保全:留駐保全、駐警派遣、臨時警衛勤務派遣 物流服務:資訊物流整合、顧問式物流規劃 其他:健康照護服務、AED生命保全整合服務、防災整合規劃服務、運送服務、ATM填補鈔、運鈔服務、彩券運送、貴重物品運送…等 餐飲服務:雲端POS電管系統整合服務、復興空廚 |
Product Summary |
System Services: Digitized security and control systems / MiniBond satellite positioning and search systems / Digital monitoring and video intercom systems / Fire prevention systems, access control systems / Safe series, detection systems Smart Cities: Smart building solutions / Oversize Perimeter security solutions / Customized AI solutions Security Guards: Stationed security, patrol and dispatch / Event security dispatch Logistics Services: Digitized Logistics Integration / Logistics Planning Consultancy Other: Delivery services, ATM replenishment services, Cash-in-transit services, lottery ticket delivery services, High-value cargo transportation services / Health care services, AED life security integration services, disaster prevention integrated planning services, etc. Dining Services: Cloud POS store management system integration services / TransAsia Catering Services |