公司名稱 | 全波科技 | ||
Company Name |
K-Best | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2447 |
公司簡介 | 全波科技擁有30年專業的射頻/微波技術開發和製造各種射頻/微波模組、系統和次系統。 我們的主要產品: 無線通信系統:可應用於電信、安全和救災。 雷達:可應用於商業、工業、安全。 無人機:可應用於商業、監控、邊境安全。 IoT智慧城市應用:智慧製造、智慧運輸、智慧長照、智慧建築、智慧能源。 我們的產品具有長距離、抗干擾、安全性高、可靠性高、交貨快等特點。 |
Company Introduction |
K-Best has 30 years of expertise in developing and manufacturing all kinds of RF/Microwave Modules, Subsystems, and Systems. Our main products: Communication Radio System: for Telecom, Security. Radar: for Commercial, Industry, Security, and Military. UAV: for Commercial, Surveillance, Border Security. IoT Smart City: Smart Manufacturing, Smart Transportation, Smart Long-Term Care, Smart Building, Smart Energy Our products feature Long Distance, Anti Interferences and Jamming, High Security, High Reliability, and Fast Delivery. |
產品介紹 | 1. 水電瓦斯三表之無線傳輸模組/系統 2. 工業4.0之無線傳輸模組/系統 3. 工廠電箱防爆之事先告警系統 4. 綠能智慧型公車站牌 5. 校園安全緊急告警求援系統 6. 登山客之定位追蹤緊急求援系統 7. 救災人員之安全監控暨緊急求援系統 8. 海上船艦之定位、追蹤、緊急求援系統 9. 老人家之之定位追蹤緊急求援系統 10. 鐵路沿線之安全監控暨緊急求援系統 11. 人孔蓋暨地下工作人員之安全監控 12. 珍貴林木之保護監控系統 |
Product Summary |
1. Smart Grid、Water、Gas 3 Meters, Wireless Modules and System 2. Industry 4.0, Wireless Modules and System 3. Monitor and Warning System for Electric Power Box against bombing 4. Smart Bus Stop Sign by Green Energy 5. School Security and Rescue Button System 6. Tracking and Rescue System for Mountain Climbers 7. Tracking and Rescue System for Rescue Persons 8. GPS Tracking and Management System for Vessels 9. Tracking and Safety Monitor System for Old Persons 10. Alarm and Monitor System along Railroad 11. Tracking、Monitor、and Rescue System for People Working Underground 12. Monitor and Protection System for Precious or High Value Trees |