公司名稱 | 臺灣港務股份有限公司 | ||
Company Name |
Taiwan International Ports Crop.,LTD | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2429 |
公司簡介 | 港務公司為交通部所屬國營事業,專營港埠經營業務,轄管基隆港、臺中港、高雄港、花蓮港、臺北港、蘇澳港及安平港七大國際商港,並受委託經營布袋港、澎湖港兩個國內商港。 為企業永續經營發展,以「港群」理念賦予各港發展定位,鞏固港埠本業,拓展多元經營業務模式,目前營運觸角延伸至港勤服務、物流、土地開發、離岸風電及海外投資等事業版圖。 迎接數位科技時代來臨,推動「臺灣港群智慧轉型計畫」,並規劃2030年智慧港口發展藍圖與多項行動方案,結合數位化獎勵措施與創新科技試驗場域,力求打造「安全、效率、品質、永續」的國際港口。 |
Company Introduction |
Focused on sustainable, market-oriented operations, TIPC invests significant energy and resources into advancing core port businesses, and is actively engaged in diversifying its overall business model. TIPC created the Trans-SMART 2.0+ Program to incentivize the implementation and use of smart technologies and applications in port operations and to encourage the use of Taiwan’s commercial ports for field testing and refining related technological innovations. |
產品介紹 | 港務公司以「智慧港口願景館」為主題,分享「臺灣港群智慧轉型計畫」發展藍圖,並展示近年港口轉型推動成果,包含:海氣象系統、智慧監控管理系統、港務168-港區路況即時資訊服務系統、3D智慧營運圖台等系統,並攜手中華電信公司共同合作展出櫃場貨櫃裝卸作業AI-OCR影像分析技術,結合櫃號辨識及船邊車道車輛定位導引功能的試驗計畫成果,現場以實體展示與各產業代表進行創新技術交流,歡迎各產業先進蒞臨指導。 | ||
Product Summary |
In the Smart Port Pavilion, TIPC shares the results being progressively achieved under the Trans-SMART 2.0+ Program, including the Sea meteorology real-time system, Smart monitoring management system, Smart transportation system and the 3D-GIS system. This year TIPC together with joint exhibition partner Chunghwa Telecom to introduce visitors the container yard operation, which operate with application of AI-OCR to recognize container number, and with application of LiDar to guide trucks. These smart applications could enhance the efficiency in management of container yard. Visitors are warmly encouraged to visit our booth, see the information and applications on display, and talk with representatives from the cross-section of industries that is making these advances possible. |