公司名稱 | 坤眾科技股份有限公司 | ||
Company Name |
GeoIntelligence Systems, Inc. | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2639 |
公司簡介 | 坤眾科技股份有限公司成立於民國八十年九月,以地理資訊系統(GIS)、全球定位系統(GPS)、數值航測製圖、遙感探測、電腦製圖等衛星及資訊科技,從事地球資源經營管理之諮詢顧問業務。業務內容包括測量、調查、資料庫建置,到系統規劃、分析、設計,及軟硬體、網路架構之整合建置,提供地球資源經營管理之整體解決(Total Solution)方案。 | ||
Company Introduction |
GeoIntelligence Systems, Inc., founded in 1991, is one of the GIS leading companies in Taiwan. We are equipped with state‐of‐the‐art technology for datacapture, data conversion, database management, geographic information systems(GIS), global position system (GPS), and internet mapping system (Web GIS). Our business services include surveying, field data collection, database implementation, strategy planning, system development and integration of hardware, software and network. GeoIntelligence is able to provide the total solution for the management of geographic information systems. The company has developed skills and domain expertise in a range of GIS industry segments such as public work, pipeline management, road excavation information integration, Image modeling and 3D virtual reality application. We provide solutions to business problems in these domains. GeoIntelligence Systems, Inc. has top expertise and experience in developing Internet/ Intranet, client‐server, desktop, as well as mobile device solutions for its clients. |
產品介紹 | 本技術工法引用近景攝影測量技術,以SfM-MVS 演算法來重建三維場景。 採一般相機近距離拍攝地下埋設管線,利用高重疊影像,重建3D 模型,記錄管道內之管線排列空間位置。成果為3D PDF 格式,可使用PDF Reader 軟體進行3D模型視覺化瀏覽、量測、標註尺寸及註記說明等。 此創新工法改變傳統作業:一旦覆土路面恢復後,即無法再量測管線真實空間細節等缺點,保有鉅細靡遺地還原工程竣工現況與確保工程品質優點。若不幸發生事故是責任釐清的最佳判釋利器。 |
Product Summary |
This method cites the characteristics of close‐range photogrammetry technology, multi‐view stereo visual 3D(3‐Dimension) reconstruction technology, to reconstruct 3D scenes from the structure from motion(SfM) recovery structure algorithm. The design uses a non‐metric camera to measure the current situation of the trench when the underground pipeline is buried. The high overlap image (80%) is used to reconstruct the 3D model to record the new and existing underground pipelines inside the trench. There have real‐world spatial locations of various pipelines, and the results are in 3DPDF format. The 3D model can be visually browsed, measured, marked, and annotated on the internationally available and free Adobe PDF reader platform. After the 3D model has spatial position coordinates and inserting the GIS platform, in addition to digitizing the newly set pipeline x, y, z coordinates, the existing pipelines in the trench are also collected together, and compared with the corresponding pipelines in the vector database for comparison analysis and correction. Fix its spatial position to the correct position. The test results of 50 work areas in the test area of Taichung City and Kaohsiung City show that the check point error of the model is less than 20 cm, and the measurement accuracy of the depth, width and length of the burying can reach 5 cm, which is in line with the standard of underground pipeline database and the accuracy requirements of the institutional norms. Therefore, it can be used as the basis for the acceptance of underground pipeline burying projects, which is sufficient to replace the as‐built drawings of traditional paper and vector drawings. The pipeline depth indication is no longer a passive display of the limited picture photos, but a visual and multi‐angle dynamic 3D model operation. |