公司名稱 | 經濟部標準檢驗局 | ||
Company Name |
Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, M.O.E.A. | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2529 |
公司簡介 | 經濟部標準檢驗局(簡稱標準局),是中華民國之國家最高檢驗機關,負責中華民國國家標準、度量衡和商品檢驗等工作。對於整合國內檢測資源,推動檢測產業發展,引領國家產業水準升級,係為職掌,亦為責任。 | ||
Company Introduction |
The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, M.O.E.A. (BSMI) is the highest administrative agency of inspection, responsible for standardization, metrology and product inspection in Taiwan. Meanwhile, integrating domestic testing resources, promoting the development of the testing industry, and leading the improvement of national industrial levels are both duties and responsibilities for BSMI. | ||
產品介紹 | 民生用表(電表、水表與瓦斯表)為智慧城市中最常見及廣布之感測器。標準檢驗局透過標準、檢測驗證制度解決資訊整合問題,以及確保這些讀表及計量準確。同時建立電表、水表與瓦斯表共通資訊格式及智慧讀表符合最新版的國際標準,配合5G 基礎建設商用普及,與5G 創新應用發展環境(如:5G智慧杆),將智慧讀表資訊快速整合及完備智慧城市建構的基礎。本年度展示重點為透過不同實際場域進行三表數據收集,結合後端大數據整合分析,以作為「資訊整合」,「有效調度」與「制度建立」之參考或依據。 | ||
Product Summary |
Electricity meters, water meters and gas meters are the widely installed sensors in the Smart City. To solve the issue of information integration and to ensure the accuracy of these meters, BSMI introduces the standard and the testing and certification scheme. In the meanwhile, BSMI establishes the common information format for the smart meters and harmonize the standards of the smart meters with the newest international standards. Along with the commercial operation of 5G infrastructure and the novel 5G application (such as 5G smart pole), the information of smart meters will be integrated further, and the fundamental of the smart city will be completed. The focus of this year's exhibition is to collect smart meter data through different actual fields, combined with the integration and analysis of back-end big data, as a reference or basis for "information integration", "effective scheduling" and "system establishment". |