公司名稱 | 昕傳科技股份有限公司 | ||
Company Name |
WaveGis Technology Co., Ltd. | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2625 |
公司簡介 | 昕傳科技股份有限公司以智慧物聯網系統服務整合為企業目標,提供物聯網監測資通訊系統規劃、整合應用及建置與售後服務,培訓技術團隊建立自有技術以提供更多更優質的服務。 昕傳科技從M2M與Web技術領域邁向AIoT、Cloud與AI等發展趨勢,以全方位系統整合及設計服務,在智慧城市整合應用下,透過產品供應商、電信服務商等緊密合作夥伴,提供廣泛跨產業解決方案。 未來,昕傳科技自我期許成為融合資通訊與物聯網系統服務,打造優質專案建置與感測資料與應用服務的團隊,成為國內外市場深具影響力的標竿企業。 |
Company Introduction |
WaveGIS was funded in 2004 and headquartered in Taipei. It provided diverse range of software and hardware solutions that connect data to the management – including location, sensors, operation process compliant with industrial standards–and cloud, mobile application technologies. WaveGIS devoted to developing and manufacture sensors hardware autonomously for building up vertical supply chains to make sure service level of its own and heading toward DaaS potential market. For the last 5 years, WabeGIS focus more on smart water management by providing a more resilient and efficient way for flood control, water drainage and sewer system, reducing mitigation costs and improving environment sustainability. |
產品介紹 | 鳳山水資源中心自啟用以來飽受有機溶劑、廢油等污染之苦,嚴重影響再生水供應。為能即時掌握污水下水道系統水質資訊,藉以迅速因應下水道系統各種突發污染情事,昕傳科技與高雄市水利局於鳳山水資中心上、中、下主幹管匯流處裝設自動式連續水質監測站,並於集污區一帶佈設具有車牌辨識之CCTV及智慧型人孔蓋傳感器,只要有人開啟污水人孔,系統不但監測到異常,還能錄下即時影像,嚇阻不法犯罪,搭配警方道路監視器,以車追人深入查緝,提升鳳山水資源中心早期預警能力及適時啟動相關緊急應變措施。 | ||
Product Summary |
WaveGIS provide mmWave and preasure water level sensor with hogh accuracy, low power consumption, low total cost of ownership. Aquire real time water level data of Inundation or river, drainage in order to notify the response center for disaster mitigation. Considering to enhance water resilience in response to extreme climate. Wastewater treatment became the important water resources of reclaimed water for industrial usage. WaveGIS e ntegrate continuous water quality monitoring stations, CCTV streaming, and manhole cover sensing data, SWMM model simulation, to trigger alerts through notifications for treatment plant responding to toxic dumping, to secure the capability of reclaimed water production. |