公司名稱 | 串流國際股份有限公司 | ||
Company Name |
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2541 |
公司簡介 | 《串流國際股份有限公司》創立於2015年底,由累積多年豐富經驗的專業安控影像研發團隊,持續致力於開發4G/5G/Wifi長距離穿戴式多功能攝影機、雲影音綜合平台、應用APP、影像智慧分析等整體解決方案。 基於多年來不斷的精進產品研發及落實對品質的堅持,我們領先業界推出應用於各種專業領域的移動緊急應變整體解決方案,適用於軍、警、消防、保全、駐衛警,以及各類高科技產業、傳統產業、電力機房...等應用。 我們以客戶和市場需求為導向,不斷追求技術突破及創新,以MIT 台灣設計、生產、製造的優質產品,提供客戶最具競爭力的整體解決方案。 |
Company Introduction |
RT Stream International Co., Ltd. was accumulated rich experience around 10 years, is continuously committed to the development of wearable 4G/5G Body Worn Camera and Mobile Emergency Response System(MERS) an audio/video/data platform software for overall solutions. We took the lead in this industry to launch the total solution application of mobile emergence response system in military, police, firefighting, security, guard, high-tech industries, traditional industries, traffic, and remotely station. We always keep customer-oriented and constantly technological breakthrough and innovation. Meanwhile, we provide the most competitive total solutions with high-quality design & made in Taiwan products and platform system. |
產品介紹 | 關鍵壓縮及通訊主晶片使用美國和台灣的頂級品牌 IC, 100% 在台灣設計和製造。 移動緊急應變整體解決方案,提供以下即時功能:全彩微星光級高解析影像、電話會議(一鍵通)和自定義分組通話和全體廣播、GPS/附近Wi-Fi 路由器和基地台進行全球定位、多重報警自動求救功能。 移動緊急應變系統,計有:【F01】4G/Wi-Fi穿戴多功能攝影機、【iCommander平台及PC/iPAD操控軟體】、【F系列及M01】5G/4G/中距離Wi-Fi穿戴多功能攝影機及長距離穿戴網路機、【G01】 AR可透視雙眼80”眼鏡。 |
Product Summary |
The key compression and communication main chips use top brand ICs from the United States and Taiwan, and are 100% designed and manufactured in Taiwan. The overall solution for mobile emergency response system, providing the following real-time functions: full-color night vision high-resolution video, conference calls /one-touch PTT and custom group calls and broadcasting, GPS/nearby Wi-Fi routers and base stations for global positioning , Multiple SOS and live saving alarms. Mobile emergency response system, including: - [F01] 4G/Wi-Fi multi-function body worn camera, - [iCommander platform and PC/iPAD control software], Server and APP Clients software. - [F series and M01] 5G/4G/middle-distance Wi-Fi multi-function body worn camera and long-distance wearable network device, - [G01] AR see-through binocular 80”glasses. |