公司名稱 | 中華民國資訊軟體協會 | ||
Company Name |
Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2507a |
公司簡介 | 中華軟協重點服務 2023數位應用週:8/22-8/25「飛躍臺灣 數位亞洲」,掌握全球數位科技趨勢! 數位轉型大學:資安、AI、ESG、行銷科技,四大學院熱烈招生中! 會員專屬交流平台:找商機/法(律師)諮詢/補新知/育人才/尋人脈 政府專案資源參與:即時提供會員重要資訊,積極協助爭取資商機! 【軟協會員廠商共同參與主題館展示】 漢門科技股份有限公司 : 參展主要產品為AIoT和BI。AIoT運用5G、LoRa、SMB等資通訊技術,讓事件訊息準確及時地傳送到物聯資訊平台,讓生產排程、異常處理都能精準到位。 BI的機器人流程自動化(RPA),可執行訂單解析、自動轉入、外銷出貨自動化。另外包含接單資料整合、智能品質/保修,以及智能研發等。 豐碩資訊有限公司 : 以軟體客製開發為主要業務。引用領域驅動設計(DDD) 為開發核心並透過ABP Framework設計將DDD的設計思想貫徹到整個框架的開發中,使開發人員開發更易於擴展、更容易理解和維護應用程式,同時也提高了開發人員的生產力和應用程式的品質。 |
Company Introduction |
Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C.,Founded in 1983, CISA is one of the most time-honored hi-tech associations in Taiwan. Its 700 corporate members comprise domestic, international companies and R&D institutes in software development, distribution, information and network service businesses. With a full-fledged Secretariat, CISA keep around 130 full-time staffs to serve its members, promote IT, and work with the government. CISA is the founding member of the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization(ASOCIO), and is a member on the Steering Committee of World Information Technology & Service Alliance(WITSA). Both organizations represent the Asia Oceania and the world information industries. |
產品介紹 | 中華軟協重點服務 2023數位應用週:8/22-8/25「飛躍臺灣 數位亞洲」,掌握全球數位科技趨勢! 數位轉型大學:資安、AI、ESG、行銷科技,四大學院熱烈招生中! 會員專屬交流平台:找商機/法(律師)諮詢/補新知/育人才/尋人脈 政府專案資源參與:即時提供會員重要資訊,積極協助爭取資商機! |
Product Summary |
eAI Technologies Inc. : eAI provides total solution of Smart Manufacturing, including ERP, BPM, UOF, AIoT, and BI. In2023 SCSE, eAI’s main product is AIoT and BI. AIoT usespowerful and innovative ICT, such as 5G, LoRa, SMB, Mobile Devices etc., building the impressive information network on site. It makes event message transfer to M2MPlatformaccurately and immediately. It also makes productionschedule, progress control, troubleshooting, cost control more precisely. BI has two main products, one is Robotic Process Automation(RPA), RPA mainly provides three functions, including Order Analytics and Automatic Data Import, Automatic Export Shipping and Automatic Data Import. The otheris Intelligent Manufacturing, including Orders/Data Integration, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Intelligent Warranty, Intelligent Scheduling, Intelligent R&D and Warehouse ManagementSystem. Further Software : Further Software specializes in custom software development. Adopting "Domain Driven Design" (DDD) as the core of software development and integrating DDD design concepts into the entire framework development through ABP Framework, rich domain logic and concepts are used to implement business logic. Using ABP Framework with support for DDD design concepts, developers can develop applications that are more scalable, easier to understand, and maintainable, while also increasing developer productivity and application quality. |