公司名稱 | 財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心 | ||
Company Name |
Metal Industries Research & Development Centre | ||
網址 Website | | 攤位號碼 Booth No. |
S2312 |
公司簡介 | 財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心從事金屬及其相關工業所需生產管理技術研發與推廣,唯一將總部設立於高雄的研究型法人單位。為因應產業政策發展及推動,以五大產業領域為核心(高值設備、金屬材料與製品、高值精微、醫療器材及照護、綠能),積極推動科技創新與高值化應用,持續協助產業升級與轉型,並藉由鏈結國內外產學研單位量能,建立跨域研發生態系統,邁向以金屬科技領航創造跨領域產業價值的國際級研發機構。 | ||
Company Introduction |
MIRDC, the only research institute in Kaohsiung, was funded in 1963, and has been engaged in the research, development, and production of metal related technology. MIRDC will continue to assist in industrial upgrading and transformation in response to policy development, and with five major industries as the core development, proactively promotes technical innovation and high-value applications. | ||
產品介紹 | #2023 智慧城市,預見科技新趨勢 Foresee Tech & Wise~ 後疫時代,勞動結構大幅變化,AI智能、淨零碳排趨勢全面展開,透過智慧製造、數位轉型、物聯網、節能等技術,呼應產業永續、企業社會責任等議題。發展4D摩擦攪拌銲接、不銹鋼硬化、脊椎手術導航等國際獲獎技術,刷新世界眼光 ; 廢棄蚵殼成為復育珊瑚基座,3D列印砂模,讓視障同胞可以觸摸畫作裡的美好,無人載具讓綠色能源更安全環保。 這一切豐碩的成果,都希望能與您分享。2023智慧城市,預見科技新趨勢。 |
Product Summary |
In view of the impact on the labor structure in the post-epidemic era, digital transformation and energy conservation respond to industrial sustainability and social responsibility. MIRDC will show 4D friction stir welding, stainless steel hardening, spinal surgery navigation, and 3D printing sand molds that are friendly to the visually impaired. |