公司名稱 屏東科技大學/研究總中心/楊正輝教授團隊
General Research Service Center, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
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產品介紹 溫室效應導致的氣候變遷對水產養殖產業帶來了前所未有的挑戰,打亂了養殖環境的平衡,進一步導致養殖物的健康及產出受到影響。本團隊開發一種具備無線遙控之水質監控系統,透過遙控移動量測裝置,擴大監控範圍,並根據監測成果即時控制如水車、投藥或投料設備。主要硬體裝置包括遙控載台、水質量測桶、行動監控裝置、伺服主機及太陽能供電系統。系統中各裝置之間的運作透過無線通訊完成,方便系統擴充及周邊裝置連結控制。使用者可以藉由app一鍵自動取水,或是自行控制取水深度,達成合理化水質監測,在分析完畢後,系統自動排水,避免感測器浸泡損壞,而所量測之水質數據可無線傳送至雲端資料庫儲存,降低管理人力需求。
Climate change, driven by the greenhouse effect, has presented unprecedented challenges to the aquaculture industry. Thus, our team has developed a wireless remote-controlled water quality monitoring system that uses remote-controlled mobile measurement devices to expand the monitoring range and allows for the immediate adjustment of equipment such as water wheels, medication, or feeding devices based on the monitoring results. The main hardware components include a remote-controlled carrier, water quality measuring buckets, mobile monitoring devices, a servo host, and a solar power system. The operation of these devices within the system is completed through wireless communication, facilitating system expansion and the control of peripheral devices. The system employs a modular design, allowing flexible use of each function, which can prevent a single accident from affecting the overall operation. Users can use an smartphone-based app to perform automated water sampling with a single button or manually control the water sampling depth, rationalizing water quality surveillance. The measured sensor data is wirelessly transmitted to cloud databases for storage, reducing the need for management manpower. After analysis, the system automatically drains the water to prevent damage to the sensors from prolonged immersion.
Key Features:
1.Freely select monitoring locations.
2.Receive monitoring data and warning messages in real-time.
3.Mobile monitoring to enhance accident handling efficiency.
4.Mobile control for parameter settings, rapid response to environmental changes.
5.Touch-screen interface, easy to learn and use.
6.Color-coded data levels for convenient multi-point measurement decision-making.
7.Cloud data storage and management for easy big data analysis.
8.Centralized sensor measurement management, reducing maintenance manpower and costs.
9.Suitable for a wide range of sizes and scopes of water quality monitoring.
10.Achieve mobile monitoring objectives.