公司名稱 智慧醫療主題館
Smart Healthcare Theme Pavilion
Booth No.
公司簡介 為維護全球更好的環境,淨零碳排是所有人共同的目標。智慧醫療的推動不僅協助醫療人員精準判讀及治療病患,以提昇民眾健康餘命,並且著重醫療環境的永續經營,強化綠色醫療,透過專業的努力與堅持,期許全國民眾一個健康且綠色的未來。因此,本次展覽以「綠色醫療,精準建康」為參展主軸,結合高屏地區15家醫院及大學,包括高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院、大同醫院、小港醫院、旗津醫院、高雄榮民總醫院、聯合醫院、高雄長庚紀念醫院、鳳山醫院、義大醫院、屏東榮民總醫院、岡山醫院、衛生福利部旗山醫院、民生醫院、凱旋醫院以及中山大學,共同打造一個充滿活力的綠色醫療環境。
To maintain a better global environment, achieving net zero carbon emissions is a shared goal for everyone. The promotion of smart healthcare not only assists medical professionals in accurate diagnosis and treatment, enhancing people's health and longevity, but also emphasizes the sustainable management of the healthcare environment, strengthening green healthcare. Through professional efforts and perseverance, we hope to create a healthy and green future for all citizens. Therefore, this exhibition takes theme"Green Healthcare, Precision Wellness." In collaboration with 15 hospitals and universities in the Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas, including Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Cijin Hospital, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Fongshan Hospital,E-DA Hospital, Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Gangshan Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare Cishan Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Min-Sheng Hospital, Kaohsiung Municipal Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital and National Sun Yat-Sen University , we aim to create a vibrant green healthcare environment.
產品介紹 本次展覽以綠色醫療為出發,其主題高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院(手術室之未來:科技巔峰-3D影像手術與清新新視野-手術煙霧排除)、大同醫院(打擊三高 醫同運動-健康運動走廊)、小港醫院(綠色轉型 打造淨零新世代)、旗津醫院(旗津智慧長照島-雲端健康管理整合平台)、高雄榮民總醫院(嚴重敗血症早期警示系統)、聯合醫院(下肢外骨骼機器人)、高雄長庚紀念醫院(數位創新藥事照護)、鳳山醫院(老年症候群與良導絡腎經的關聯性分析)、義大醫院(化劑調劑簡單學-AR視覺便利包)、屏東榮民總醫院(手術單支器械智能管理滅菌追蹤系統)、岡山醫院(軟銀NAO機器人)、衛生福利部旗山醫院(智慧遠端照護系統)、民生醫院(守護小飛象計畫-元太科技醫療照護電子紙筆記本應用)、凱旋醫院(超寬頻智慧藥盒,凱旋AI機器人陪伴你)以及中山大學(具隱私保護暨安全資料探勘之醫療倉儲系統),希望透過展覽讓民眾瞭解南台灣智慧醫療的發展,落實個人精準健康的需求。
This exhibition is based on green healthcare. The theme is Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital(The Operating Room of the Future: Technological Pinnacle (3D Image Surgery) and a Fresh Perspective (Surgical Smoke Evacuation)), Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital(Combating The Three Highs (Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar/Cholesterol) Alongside The Exercise Corridor), Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital(Green Transitions: To Create a new generation of net zero), Kaohsiung Municipal Cijin Hospital(Cijin Smart Long-Term Care Island - Cloud Health Management Integration Platform), Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital(The artificial intelligence severe sepsis early warning system), Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital(Technological Devices:Powered Lower Limb Exoskeletons), Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital(Intelligent Innovation in Pharmaceutical Care), Kaohsiung Municipal Fongshan Hospital(The Relationship between Geriatric Syndrome and Kidney Meridian in Ryodoraku Device), E-DA Hospital(Dispensing Chemotherapeutic Agents - AI Learning Convenience Pack), Pingtung Veterans General Hospital(Using Information Systems of smart management and sterilization tracking system for single surgical instruments), Kaohsiung Municipal Gangshan Hospital(Elders and Robopals, fun and sports together), Ministry of Health and Welfare Cishan Hospital(Contactless Smart Remote Patient Caring System), Kaohsiung Municipal Min-Sheng Hospital(ePaper device -- eNote medical applications), Kaohsiung Municipal Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital(Applying ultra-wideband medicine box, the Kai-Syuan AI robot accompanies with you) and National Sun Yat-Sen University(Privacy-Preserving Medical Data Warehouse System Supporting Secure Data Mining). Through the exhibition, we hope to help the public understand the development of smart healthcare in southern Taiwan and meet the needs of individualized health.