公司名稱 中華電信股份有限公司
Chunghwa Telecom
AI專區 AI+ Area
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公司簡介 中華電信是國內最大之綜合電信業者。主要業務涵蓋固網通信、行動通信及寬頻接取與網際網路,亦以大數據、資安、雲端及網路資料中心等技術資源提供企業客戶資通訊服務,並發展物聯網、人工智慧等新興科技服務,為客戶創造優質的通訊環境與精彩便利的數位生活,亦積極發展與國際電信業者間之合作夥伴關係,推動國際化。近年來,中華電信積極投入「企業社會責任」的各項作為,屢獲國內外專業機構肯定並通過企業社會責任實務守則制定、治理架構法制化程序,展現宏偉的企圖心,履行全方位企業社會責任。
Chunghwa Telecom is the largest integrated telecommunication service provider in Taiwan, with leading offerings in domestic and international fixed communication, mobile communication, broadband, and internet services.In addition to these traditional services, the Company also provides information and communication technology services to enterprise customers with big data, information security, cloud computing and IDC capabilities, and is expanding businesses into innovative technology services such as IoT, AI, etc. All of these capabilities and offerings aim to create an optimal communication environment to enable wonderful and convenient digital life-style, as well as to serve as a key partner for other international telecommunication service providers.In recent years, the Company has been actively involved in Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and has attained various domestic and international awards and recognition. The Company aims to realize its ambitions and implement full scale CSR by upholding the highest standards of governance principles with legalized governance framework.
產品介紹 1.DeepFlow高效易用AI開發分析平台:提供模型開發統一管理機制 (MLOps),具備AI模型開發、管理部署與監控,並提供超參數調優與自動化建模(AutoML),可有效縮短50%作業時間。
1.DeepFlow provides an MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) mechanism for AI model development, enabling easy configuration of processes for model development, training, management, deployment, and monitoring. This effectively reduces AI model development time by over 50%.

2.DeepVoice, won the 2024 Taiwan Excellence Award, addresses the digital transformation challenges of customer service centers. It utilizes AI to decipher the customer's sentiments by employing speech-to-text recognition technology. Combined with generative AI, it categorizes and organizes call content, relationships, and emotions, saving 90% of manual monitoring time.