公司名稱 聚量應用材料股份有限公司
PolyQuantum Materials Corporation
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公司簡介 本公司組織架構主要分為行政、業務、研發生產及資訊部門:
Our company's organizational structure is mainly divided into Administration, Business, R&D/Production, and Information departments:
CEO: Chang, Chung Hung, VP: Chen, Tim, CIO: Chen, Jason
產品介紹 1.PQernel, 塑膠奈米擴練補強劑。提升與廢棄塑膠的鍵結作用,達到強化及再生效果。
2.再生塑膠粒PQplastics 。物性可顯著提升, 甚至複合型塑料增加相容性,可直接造粒再利用,無相分離現象。
「清碳壹號」碳管理系統,進行碳盤查/碳排放管理,減少人工作業,線上儀錶板計算與分析碳排量,並一鍵產製盤查報告 ;
1. PQernel, plastic nano enlargement and strengthening agent. Through structural and surface modification, the bonding effect with waste plastic is improved to achieve the effect of strengthening and regeneration.
2. Recycled plastic pellets PQplastics. It is obtained by adding PQernel to waste plastic and then granulating/compounding it. The physical properties of plastics recycled in this way, such as rABS, rPP, nylon, etc., can be significantly improved. For example, the IV value of rPET can be increased to close to the level of new materials. Even composite plastics such as rPET and PE/PP, can increase their Compatibilities, and can be directly granulated/compounding and reused without worrying about phase separation.
3. Various types of recycled plastic products are produced by PQplastics, thereby achieving repeated recycling. Enterprises using recycled plastic products can also significantly reduce carbon emissions, enhance corporate competitiveness, and accelerate or even achieve the 2050 net-zero carbon emission goal early.
Our company's goal is to recycle as much waste plastic in Taiwan as possible so that there will no longer be waste plastic in Taiwan. The annual increase in global waste plastic is 300 million tons. Therefore, the final goal is to eliminate waste plastic worldwide and achieve the goal of a sustainable circular economy.
4. [Carbon-Clean No.ONE] Enterprise net-zero carbon emission information service, a one-stop ESG solution, uses the software system developed by our company to make it easy for customers to get started, help companies understand their carbon emission status, and implement carbon reduction processes in line with international standards, fully supporting companies to conduct independent inventories. and energy saving and carbon reduction management. Including:
[Carbon-Clean No.ONE] Carbon management system, assists enterprises in providing carbon inventory/carbon emission management related services, reducing manual work and errors. It collects and uploads carbon emission source activity data through front-line personnel, and the online dashboard can correctly calculate and analyze carbon emissions. , and one-click production inventory report.
[Carbon-Clean No.ONE] Electricity management system, assists enterprises in energy diagnosis management, energy visualization, insight into data to identify energy consumption hot spots, and with a complete grasp of electricity consumption, replacement and improvement of energy-saving equipment and processes to achieve smart electricity use and energy conservation. Synchronously integrate the carbon management system to monitor real-time carbon emissions.