公司名稱 亞洲.矽谷計畫執行中心
Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency
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公司簡介 「亞洲.矽谷推動方案」自105年起開始推動,由國發會、經濟部、國科會、交通部等各相關部會共同執行,以「推動物聯網發展」及「健全創新創業生態系」為2大主軸,期以物聯網促進產業轉型升級,以創新創業驅動經濟成長,進而協助臺灣搶進下世代數位創新商機,加速國內產業創新轉型,並鏈結國際引領潮流。

國發會自110年起推動「亞洲.矽谷5G創新應用計畫」,並透過公私協力方式,鼓勵企業以國產5G O-RAN為基礎,結合AIoT等新興科技,發展5G創新應用服務,期提升我國民眾生活品質,創造產業新價值。本次亦特別邀請國家太空中心於館內展示B5G低軌衛星,藉由本次展會向民眾介紹衛星結合5G的應用與未來趨勢,推動我國韌性通訊發展。
The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan, which has been jointly implemented since 2016 by the National Development Council (NDC), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), and Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), aims to “drive IoT development” and “build a comprehensive innovative startup ecosystem”. It is hoped that innovative startups and IoT can drive economic growth and industry transformations that will allow Taiwan to compete for next gen opportunities in digital innovation, accelerate domestic industry transitions, and stay at the forefront of global trends.
In 2021, the NDC started implementing the Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan 2.0 through public-private collaborations. Enterprises are encouraged to develop innovative 5G applications and services by combining emerging technologies, such as AIoT built upon 5G O-RAN developed in Taiwan, in a bid to improve people’s quality of life and generate new value in industries. This time, Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) was specially invited to showcase the B5G LEO satellite and share with the public how future trends will combine satellites with 5G applications, thereby driving Taiwan’s development in resilient communication.
產品介紹 112年特邀請國發會5G O-RAN智慧城鄉計畫獲推薦之廠商,展出示範場域位於南臺灣之成果如下:
Companies recommended for the NDC’s 5G O-RAN Smart City Taiwan project were invited in 2023 to showcase their achievements in the trial area in southern Taiwan:
-Chunghwa Telecom “Smart Transportation” Solution: 5G and Internet of Vehicles technology were applied in building a smart intersection security system for light rail transit (LRT). With real-time intersection monitoring and incident response systems, light rail transit operators can immediately react to warnings, thereby improving safety.
-HTC “Smart Education” Solution: The combination of 5G and XR technology offers an immersive livestream and interactive education platform and a one-stop solution for course production and broadcast. This overcomes geographical limitations and bridges the urban-rural gap in educational information and resources by offering a real-time livestream and interactive teaching experience.
-Hsin Yeong An Cable TV “Smart Education” Solution: A dedicated 5G network with VR/AR technology provides gamified English scenario lessons and remote tours of the National Palace Museum’s collections to students in remote areas, thereby enhancing their interest and performance in education to bridge the urban-rural education gap.
-Light Matrix Inc. “Smart Show” Solution: 5G is applied to a smart stadium to introduce 360-degree strike zones presenting a three-dimensional strike zone and an all-angle scientific training and record system for sports. Such systems can improve the audience’s experience and athletes’ training efficiency.
-Leadtek & HwaCom “Smart Agriculture” Solution: A smart agro-management platform built with technologies such as dedicated 5G networks, drones, and image recognition contributes to smart transitions, improved operating efficiency, and income for the traditional agriculture industry.