公司名稱 安能聚綠能股份有限公司
Thermolysis Co., Ltd.
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產品介紹 安能聚綠能股份有限公司成立於2016年,專注於高溫熱處理系統的開發和整合,並將其應用於高階碳材料領域,包括目前最具挑戰性的領域「碳纖維回收」,我們目前是全球少數能處理及再生碳纖維的企業之一。自2020年起開始碳纖維複合物回收技術與設備的開發,建置產線進行大規模處理及量產再生碳纖維。我們也是台灣唯一取得碳纖維再生資格的企業,2023年自環保局取得「碳纖維再利用檢核」許可;同時也從經濟部工業局取得「個案再利用」資格。
Thermolysis Co., Ltd., established in 2016, specializes in the development and integration of high-temperature heat treatment systems. The company applies these systems to advanced carbon materials, particularly focusing on the challenging field of "carbon fiber recycling." Currently, we stand as one of the few global entities capable of processing and regenerating carbon fibers. Since 2020, our commitment to actively developing carbon fiber composite recycling technology and equipment has led to the establishment of production lines for large-scale processing and mass production of recycled carbon fibers.

In early 2023, we sought approval from the Environmental Protection Agency of Taiwan for a "carbon fiber reuse inspection" program and successfully obtained qualification. Subsequently, we applied to the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan for a "case-by-case reuse" program for waste carbon fiber and secured the qualification in August 2023. At present, we proudly hold the exclusive distinction of being the only company in Taiwan with carbon fiber recycling qualification.

Beyond the mass production of recycled carbon fibers, we address industry needs by designing and manufacturing products utilizing recycled carbon fibers as raw materials. These products encompass a diverse range, including carbon fiber paper, non-woven fabric, plastic masterbatch, prepreg, thermoplastic laminate, and tube. This approach facilitates the seamless return of recycled materials to the original production line for processing.

By recycling and reusing carbon fiber with Thermolysis Co., Ltd.'s unique equipment and technology, we can not only greatly reduce the amount of carbon fiber waste, but also reduce carbon emissions. According to statistics, the production of 1 ton of carbon fiber will emit about 20 tons of carbon dioxide. Thermolysis Co., Ltd. commissioned TÜV Rheinland of Germany to conduct an ISO 14067 carbon footprint certification for the process of recycled carbon fiber in 2023. The confirmation of our "recycled carbon fiber" carbon emissions is 5.047 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per kg. Compared with the manufacture of new carbon fiber, the carbon emissions of recycled carbon fiber provided by Thermolysis Co., Ltd. is only one-fourth compared to new manufacture carbon fiber.