公司名稱 臥龍智慧環境
AI point AI & Environment Co., Ltd
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公司簡介 一個初衷 一個夢想
2021年臥龍智慧環境成立,專注於智慧AI水處理與回收賦能,提供應用三大主題「預測與決策水處理系統」、「水處理操作程序參數最佳化」及「智慧水處理與水回收管理平台」,提供企業提升水質、降低人力、減少化學品與污泥等解決方案,同時具有國內外大型企業水系統處理與回收實務操作經驗與AI技術能量公司,可提供提升企業水系統Total solution與ESG永環境續方案。
In 2021, the establishment of AI point focused on smart AI water treatment and recycling empower, providing three major themes: "Predictive and Decision-making Water Treatment System," "Optimization of Water Treatment Operating Parameters," and "Smart Water Treatment and Water Recycling Management Platform." The company offers solutions for enterprises to improve water quality, reduce labor costs, and decrease chemicals and sludge. It possesses practical experience in large-scale domestic and international water system treatment and recycling operations, combined with AI technological capabilities, providing a Total Solution for enterprise water systems and ESG sustainable solutions.
產品介紹 在水處理上「有AI Sensor加值自動防禦系統」及「AI精準加藥系統」,已應用於飲用水、石化業、化工業及養殖業,有效解決產業問題並產生多重效益:
1.AI Sensor加值自動防禦系統:可以做到判斷機台上的感測器發出的警訊,自動判斷是感測器問題還是水質異常的系統問題,降低警報的亂報引發的困擾;還提供Sensor異常預警與狀況排除的說明,以及保養與健康狀態不良的警示。

臥龍智慧環境提供AI水處理與回收賦能及獨步全球AI 誤警報sensor精準賦能防禦技術,提供最佳廢污水處理與回收及節能減碳策略方案,協助ESG與SDGS綠色環境永續;因技術優異,分別於2022年和2023年榮獲經濟部新創事業獎和經濟部創新研究獎。
n the realm of water treatment, two key innovations have been introduced – the "AI Sensor Value-added Automatic Defense System" and the "AI Precision Dosing System." These innovations have been successfully applied across various industries, including drinking water, petrochemicals, chemicals, and aquaculture, providing effective solutions to industry challenges and generating multiple benefits:
.AI Sensor Value-added Automatic Defense System: It can discern signals from sensors on the machine, automatically determining whether it's a sensor issue or a system problem related to water quality abnormalities. This reduces the nuisance caused by false alarms. It also provides early warnings for sensor anomalies, troubleshooting explanations, as well as alerts for maintenance and unhealthy conditions.

.AI Precision Dosing System: This system achieves precise dosing through AI, reducing manpower, minimizing chemical waste, and decreasing sludge production. It improves efficiency, reduces carbon emissions, saves energy, extends system life, and lowers operating material costs.

AI point provides AI water treatment and recycling empower, showcasing globally unique AI false alarm sensor precision defense technology. The company offers optimal strategies for waste and sewage treatment, energy conservation, and carbon reduction, contributing to ESG and SDGS for a green and sustainable environment. Due to its outstanding technology, it received the Ministry of Economic Affairs' New Business Award in 2022 and the Innovation Research Award in 2023.