公司名稱 | 有春文化有限公司 | ||
Company Name |
You Chun Cultural Co., Ltd | ||
參展區域 Area |
AI專區 | ||
網址 Website |
攤位號碼 Booth No. |
Q1230 | |
公司簡介 | 有春文化專注於推動循環經濟與永續發展,以創意與實踐結合,打造面向未來的文化與教育平台。我們以「2050淨零」為目標,策劃各類展覽、活動及教育計畫,涵蓋從資源循環到綠色創新的多元主題。 透過與國內外合作夥伴的緊密連結,有春文化積極參與國際專案,從在地實踐到全球視野,協助推廣台灣在永續領域的創新成就。我們亦結合藝術、美學與環保技術,將循環經濟的概念融入日常生活,致力於成為企業、學校與社區之間的橋樑,共同創造更永續的未來。 |
Company Introduction |
You Chun Culture is dedicated to advancing the principles of the circular economy and sustainable development by integrating creativity and practical solutions. We aim to create a forward-looking platform for cultural and educational initiatives, aligning with the "2050 Net Zero" goal. Our projects include exhibitions, events, and educational programs, addressing diverse themes from resource recycling to green innovation. By fostering close collaborations with domestic and international partners, You Chun Culture actively participates in global initiatives, showcasing Taiwan's achievements in sustainability. We emphasize the integration of art, aesthetics, and eco-friendly technologies, bringing the concept of a circular economy into everyday life. |
產品介紹 | 氣候收據設計服務,能促進企業融入循環經濟供應鏈、內部永續教育訓練,透過透明的環境數據展示,增強企業責任感與品牌形象。我們以科技與創意拉近大眾與氣候行動的距離,提供企業多元環境解決方案,協助企業制定永續策略 。 | ||
Product Summary |
The Climate Receipt service design aims to integrate businesses into the circular economy supply chain and enhance internal sustainability training. By showcasing transparent environmental data, it fosters corporate responsibility and strengthens brand image. Leveraging technology and creativity, we bridge the gap between the public and climate action, offering businesses diverse environmental solutions. This initiative supports companies in developing effective sustainability strategies and contributes to a greener future. |