
國內外城市首長攜手簽署「智慧城市 臺北宣言」 共同致力智慧城市發展與合作,追求城市美好生活願景 2016-03-23


在為期兩天的「2016智慧城市首長高峰論壇」中,包括法國Grenoble區、美國Orlando、荷蘭Eindhoven、捷克Pisek、以色列Tel Aviv及桃園市、台東縣等多位國內外城市首長針對智慧城市產業發展以及智慧城市治理進行充分的分享與交流,也為促進各城市對於未來智慧城市課題上更多的交流與實質合作,建立了初步的共識,對於麼多城市大力支持與參與,讓臺北市成功舉辦本次高峰會,林欽榮副市長表達高度感謝,也希望透過這次的活動大家有更多的合作、關係更緊密,並帶動智慧科技應用產業,導入各式各樣公共服務系統,迎接新型態的台灣下世紀的生活樣態以及城市治理的新典範。


1. 為實踐永續發展及智慧生活,同意將智慧城市作為城市發展共同願景。
2. 透過智慧城市交流活動,以實質促進城市間之產官學界交流及合作。
3. 積極將智慧科技導入城市發展,實踐智慧城市生活。
4. 透過建構智慧城市基礎建設,提供智慧公共服務。
5. 鼓勵智慧科技創新,扶植相關產業。
此次簽署儀式,因應行動裝置與雲端協作的潮流,特別以高科技且智能化的方式進行,使用微軟Surface Pro 及Office 365線上會議技術,各國城市代表將用Surface Pen在各自的Surface上手寫署名,同時在會場的大螢幕上將看到同一份智慧城市宣言上,同步顯示各個城市代表的簽名,見證各個智慧城市攜手合作、共同分享智慧城市的成果!


Today, Taipei signs a declaration that marks the beginning of an important global partnership with leaders including mayors and ICT industry representatives from France, the Netherlands, Israel, the Czech Republic, the U.K., the U.S., Italy, Spain and Malaysia. The declaration is an announcement that these cities will be diligent in their efforts toward improved public utilities and services, to better qualities of life for citizens, and to a smarter future. This event marks a historic milestone for the development of smart city here in Taiwan.


The two-day Smart City Mayor’s Summit was participated by the chairman of the Grenoble Metropolitan Area, and the mayors of Eindhoven, Orlando, Písek, Tel Aviv, as well as Taoyuan and Taitung. Not only was it a great opportunity to share insights and experiences on incorporating technology into urban planning, but it also presented a rare chance to establish potential business partnerships and cooperation.


Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Lin stated that in order to build a city with an integrated industry chain, and to direct industrial development in the direction integrated solutions that can be exported, we wish to borrow from the experience of successful cases from overseas. This declaration and signing ceremony signifies, and is testimony to our cities’ shared vision on the future of smart city.


The content of the declaration is as follow:

  1. To make smart city as the vision for urban development, and practice sustainable development and smart living;
  2. To actively implement intelligent technologies in the development of our communities in order to realize the concept of smart living;
  3. To provide smarter public services through establishing the basic infrastructures of a smart city;
  4. To encourage innovation and to foster smart city related industries;
  5. To promote interdisciplinary cooperation and exchange on smart city between governments, businesses, and academic institutions.