[活動] SHE series-2020 International Smart Healthcare Forum (Session 2) | 2020-06-20 |
Session 2 Pandemic Fighters: Deployment of AIoT Turnkey Solutions The current COVID-19 pandemic has fostered all processes towards a fast and rapid response, enabled by the technological developments in healthcare. During this session, audiences will hear about the latest technology innovations from 2 prestige Smart Hospitals Tao-Yuan General Hospital, and National Cheng Kung University Hospital for their applied experiences as well as 2 featured speakers from ASUS Cloud, and imedtac for their industry insights. To discuss the crisis and the new technology utilizes to combat COVID-19 as well as what is under development. It covers all aspects of healthcare and smart technology including digital health, health informatics, artificial intelligence, and smart hospital and so on. Adopting two different angles to discuss how to fight COVID-19 epidemic and how Taiwan can help.
場次貳: 迎戰疫情: 醫療照護與產業創新媒合交流
新冠病毒肺炎疫情(COVID-19)衝擊全球醫療體系,亦間接促成物聯網(IoT)、智慧物聯網(AIoT)、大數據(Big data)和人工智慧(AI)等智慧照護發展契機,帶動健康照護與科技產業之跨界合作創新與臨床應用。
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International Smart Healthcare Forum
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If you have any questions on this livestream event or anything else SHE related, feel free to reach out to any of our SHE representatives below:
Ms. Janice Kuo
Joint Commission of Taiwan
Ms. Grace Chiang
Taipei Computer Association